The JENKINS_HOME organizer contains a document named ...READ MORE
Works in Jenkins can be activated intermittently ...READ MORE
Anyone can make use of the URL ...READ MORE
Developing Continuous Delivery Pipeline using Git, Jenkins, ...READ MORE
You could use the Post Build Task Plugin ...READ MORE
You can download the plugin (*.hpi file) ...READ MORE
You can build this project in Jenkins ...READ MORE
As long as it is not interrupting ...READ MORE
The format is as follows: MINUTE (0-59), HOUR ...READ MORE
One other way would be to manually ...READ MORE
Jenkins "Pipeline as code" allows you to define ...READ MORE
JNLP(JAVA NETWORK LAUNCH PROTOCOL) is used to Connect to/launch ...READ MORE
You can keep a log of who ...READ MORE
No, you don't have to install Jenkins on ...READ MORE
To automatically run build on code commit, follow ...READ MORE
On Ubuntu or Debian, when installed through apt-get/dpkg: $ ...READ MORE
You can basically customize your jenkins workspace. ...READ MORE
As noted in the Jenkins Wiki, "The ...READ MORE
To begin with, the best possible way ...READ MORE
By default, your Jenkins workspace would be ...READ MORE
Use data.external to execute a CLI script: credentials=$(aws ...READ MORE
Set useSecurity from true to false and ...READ MORE
Hey @Kiara, you can use something like ...READ MORE
Yes obviously, you need to configure. Follow ...READ MORE
AWS CodeDeploy is AWS service that coordinates application ...READ MORE
I'm trying to integrate Jenkins with AWS ...READ MORE
jenkins user add in visudo or /etc/sudoers READ MORE
Create a Dockerfile and add the commands ...READ MORE
Hi @Koyal, If you look at the ...READ MORE
Hey! First, find out the id of the ...READ MORE
Sizing your instances in terms of CPU, ...READ MORE
Yes, you can! try something like this: node ...READ MORE
Hi @Kim, yes you can. You can ...READ MORE
Yes of course you can!! You try ...READ MORE
Hey @Jithin, you could use something like ...READ MORE
Hey @Nishant, you can use something like ...READ MORE
set "host_key_checking = False" in /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg READ MORE
How to get "properties content" key and ...READ MORE
Have a look at this thread to ...READ MORE
Hey Laksha, before you start installing Jenkins ...READ MORE
Hey @Chandu, follow these steps to install ...READ MORE
You would require to copy and take ...READ MORE
1. Copy all the files in your JENKINS_HOME directory over ...READ MORE
Hey @Farah, follow these steps: Stop Jenkins. Copy the ...READ MORE
I'm trying to install ansible in my ...READ MORE
Follow these steps: In global tool configuration: For Maven: ...READ MORE
Hey @Ali, I went through the error and ...READ MORE
first where the puppetserver is installed i.e.., ...READ MORE
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