Is it ethical to quit a job and join the competitor

+1 vote
I am working in TCS for amlost 2 years now. I have got an offer from one of its competitors and they are paying almost twice as the salary I am getting here at TCS. So, my question is that is it ethical to quit a job and join the competitor?
Feb 13, 2019 in Career Counselling by Jonathan

4 answers to this question.

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It totally depend on you as what do you want, generally doing this is not ethical but again it is about you and doing this you will be stepping towards success.

As an employee of TCS you learnt everything that you know which made you eligible for this opportunity. So betraying I think is not what you should go for rather talk to the HR of TCS and ask for relevant raise or a solution for the problem.

All the best.
answered Feb 13, 2019 by Esha
0 votes
Hello Jonathan, quitting job from a company and joining their competitors is not a very good practice and it's quite unethical. Some companies even have this mentioned in their agreements that you cannot join their competitors till 1-2 years after quitting, as the resources and skills you learnt in your current company might get used by the competitors.

But in case you are offered with a good salary raise by the competitor company, you can ask your current HR for a raise and let them know about this situation.
answered Apr 3, 2019 by Diksha
0 votes


See both ethics and your career are different , you should know where you need to sow your ethics. If you are within the company and trying to cheat , then its not ethical.

You have already worked for your company and trying to move ahead in your career with  your own choice , which ever the company it is, you need to see your growth and future.

So its okay if you switching to something where you can learn something more and getting a hike .

answered Apr 4, 2019 by rashmi
0 votes
It can be ethical or not, depending on  your work cause and profile in the new company that your joining.

you can join the company's competitor as long as you are not used for providing any information or projects ongoing or its about your previous company. It is ethical if you are working without sharing any information about either of the companies to each other. You are quitting for your growth in career, so its ethical.
answered Apr 4, 2019 by anshuli

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