Trending questions in Kubernetes

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2 answers

Unable to connect to the server: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority (possibly because of "crypto/rsa: verification error"

mkdir -p $HOME/.kube sudo cp -i /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf $HOME/.kube/config sudo ...READ MORE

Sep 30, 2020 in Kubernetes by Muhammad Badi uz Zaman
0 votes
1 answer

The connection to the server localhost:8080 was refused - did you specify the right host or port?

Hi@akhtar, You may get this error if Kubectl ...READ MORE

Jun 6, 2020 in Kubernetes by MD
• 95,440 points
+3 votes
5 answers

Is accessing kubernetes dashboard remotely possible?

Yes it is possible by using NodePort ...READ MORE

Mar 9, 2020 in Kubernetes by Ali
• 160 points
0 votes
4 answers

"Layer already exists " when trying to push an image

I had a similar error. I hadn't ...READ MORE

Apr 23, 2019 in Kubernetes by Kalyan
0 votes
1 answer

How to uninstall Kubernetes completely?

Hi Akhtar, You can follow the below steps ...READ MORE

Oct 6, 2020 in Kubernetes by MD
• 95,440 points
0 votes
3 answers

Using multiple commands in a kubernetes yaml file

Try something like this: containers: - name: ...READ MORE

Apr 23, 2019 in Kubernetes by lyza
0 votes
1 answer

Error: there is no need to specify a resource type as a separate argument when passing arguments in resource/name form

Hi, You don't need to pass any argument ...READ MORE

Oct 6, 2020 in Kubernetes by MD
• 95,440 points
0 votes
1 answer
0 votes
1 answer

How to install HELM in Windows?

Hi@akhtar, You can follow the below-given steps to ...READ MORE

Jul 6, 2020 in Kubernetes by MD
• 95,440 points
+2 votes
1 answer

error: no configuration has been provided, try setting KUBERNETES_MASTER environment variable

Hi@akhtar, When you try to connect your kubernetes ...READ MORE

May 19, 2020 in Kubernetes by MD
• 95,440 points
0 votes
5 answers

Error saying "Unable to connect to the server: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority"

export KUBECONFIG=/etc/kubernetes/admin.conf READ MORE

Jul 27, 2019 in Kubernetes by aneesh ansari
0 votes
1 answer

How to share secret across namespaces in Kubernetes?

Hi@akhtar, You will have to create the secret ...READ MORE

Oct 21, 2020 in Kubernetes by MD
• 95,440 points
+1 vote
3 answers

"400 bad request-The plain http request was sent to https port" nginx

If you check your config file, it ...READ MORE

Apr 30, 2019 in Kubernetes by Vaidya
+2 votes
2 answers

Difference between a replica set and replication controller

Olaaa Jinu! Replica set and replication controller - ...READ MORE

Dec 19, 2019 in Kubernetes by Kalgi
• 52,360 points
0 votes
1 answer

How to edit ConfigMap to add new data?

Hi@MD, You can edit your ConfigMap. Kubectl has ...READ MORE

Aug 31, 2020 in Kubernetes by akhtar
• 38,240 points
0 votes
1 answer

How to uninstall minikube in windows?

Hi@akhtar, You can use the below-given commands to ...READ MORE

Jul 27, 2020 in Kubernetes by MD
• 95,440 points
0 votes
1 answer

How to change default Namespace in Kubernetes?

Hi@akhtar, Kubernetes will automatically create one namespace named ...READ MORE

Jul 5, 2020 in Kubernetes by MD
• 95,440 points
0 votes
1 answer

error: failed to run Kubelet: Running with swap on is not supported, please disable swap! or set --fail-swap-on flag to

Hi@akhtar, To configure Kubernetes Cluster you need to ...READ MORE

Sep 16, 2020 in Kubernetes by MD
• 95,440 points
0 votes
1 answer
0 votes
1 answer

What is the difference between Apache Mesos and Kubernetes?

Hi@akhtar, Kubernetes and Apache Mesos are DevOps infrastructure ...READ MORE

Dec 16, 2020 in Kubernetes by MD
• 95,440 points
0 votes
1 answer

Error from server (BadRequest): error when creating "secret.yml": Secret in version "v1" cannot be handled as a Secret:

Hi@akhtar, In your secret you can't give data ...READ MORE

May 22, 2020 in Kubernetes by MD
• 95,440 points
0 votes
1 answer

error: error parsing pod_pvc.yml: error converting YAML to JSON: yaml: line 11: could not find expected ':'

Hi@akhtar, In yml code, you can't use equals ...READ MORE

May 22, 2020 in Kubernetes by MD
• 95,440 points
0 votes
1 answer

How to create token for worker node in Kubernetes Cluster?

Hi@akhtar, You will get your token when you ...READ MORE

Sep 16, 2020 in Kubernetes by MD
• 95,440 points

edited Oct 6, 2021 by Sarfaraz 3,903 views
+5 votes
4 answers

local docker image on minikube

I know this is an old question ...READ MORE

Feb 1, 2020 in Kubernetes by anonymous
0 votes
1 answer

How to deploy the pod in k8s connect to 3rd party server which using whitelist IP?

Hey, You can connect the pod and the ...READ MORE

Oct 29, 2020 in Kubernetes by Sam

edited Oct 6, 2021 by Sarfaraz 1,116 views
0 votes
1 answer

kubectl info: exec: fork/exec /usr/local/bin/kubectl: exec format error

Hi@akhtar, The most common reason for this error ...READ MORE

May 19, 2020 in Kubernetes by MD
• 95,440 points
0 votes
1 answer

Is it necessary to create kubernetes cluster using minicube? Or how it happens in real time?

Minikube is a tool that lets you ...READ MORE

Oct 23, 2020 in Kubernetes by Hana

edited Oct 6, 2021 by Sarfaraz 981 views
0 votes
1 answer

How to run Kubectl exec command to login inside a Pod?

Hi Guys, You can use the below-given command ...READ MORE

Jun 8, 2020 in Kubernetes by MD
• 95,440 points
0 votes
1 answer

Error from server (BadRequest): container "mysql-con" in pod "mysql" is waiting to start: CreateContainerConfigError

Hi@akhtar, In above code, you have used secret ...READ MORE

May 22, 2020 in Kubernetes by MD
• 95,440 points
0 votes
1 answer

How to solve the issue with crashloopbackoff in my kubernetes Pod?

If your image is completed and not ...READ MORE

Sep 21, 2020 in Kubernetes by Jai

edited Oct 6, 2021 by Sarfaraz 1,851 views
0 votes
1 answer

Cannot access the MetalLB LoadBalancer IP from outside my kubernetes cluster.

Check the firewall config and What port ...READ MORE

Sep 17, 2020 in Kubernetes by Garama

edited Oct 6, 2021 by Sarfaraz 1,989 views
0 votes
1 answer

Error: config Map volume mount read-only file system error

ConfigMaps are always mounted read-only. If you need ...READ MORE

Jul 18, 2019 in Kubernetes by Sirajul
• 59,230 points
0 votes
1 answer

error: the server doesn't have a resource type "svc"

Hi@akhtar, You need to update your cluster details ...READ MORE

Jul 9, 2020 in Kubernetes by MD
• 95,440 points
+2 votes
4 answers

Kubernetes cluster pod status EVICTED

I learned this the hard way, but ...READ MORE

Jan 22, 2019 in Kubernetes by Lyndon
0 votes
1 answer

How to connect local kubernetes minikube cluster to jenkins pipeline...?

Hi@Moonty, To connect your Minikube, you have to ...READ MORE

Aug 26, 2020 in Kubernetes by MD
• 95,440 points
0 votes
1 answer

How to automate the rollback of deployment when it fails using helm and without timeout?

As it turns out, there is an ...READ MORE

Sep 18, 2020 in Kubernetes by Kim
0 votes
1 answer

How to copy file inside a Pod in Kubernetes?

Hi@akhtar, You need to use the kubectl cp command ...READ MORE

Jul 5, 2020 in Kubernetes by MD
• 95,440 points
0 votes
1 answer

How do we list all the pods which are using the same service?

Hi, If you want to manage your pods ...READ MORE

Oct 5, 2020 in Kubernetes by MD
• 95,440 points
0 votes
1 answer

Set volume mount user group and file permissions in kubernetes

There's a setting in Pod Security Context ...READ MORE

Jan 16, 2019 in Kubernetes by ajs3033
• 7,300 points
0 votes
1 answer

How to create a ConfigMap from literals?

Hi@akhtar, You can use kubectl create configmap with the --from-literal argument to ...READ MORE

Aug 31, 2020 in Kubernetes by MD
• 95,440 points
0 votes
1 answer

curl: (7) Failed connect to master-node:32602; Connection refused

Hi@akhtar, I guess there is a problem with ...READ MORE

Aug 27, 2020 in Kubernetes by MD
• 95,440 points
0 votes
1 answer

I have added ceph storage as PV to Kubernetes. Can I create multiple volume claims from that?

Yes, you can do it. A Persistent ...READ MORE

Sep 24, 2020 in Kubernetes by Vishwanath

edited Oct 6, 2021 by Sarfaraz 805 views
0 votes
1 answer

I am not able to set static IP for my ubuntu VM.... I am referring Kubernetes installation!

Hey, check this out for the steps ...READ MORE

Sep 28, 2020 in Kubernetes by Vishwanath Deshpande

edited Oct 6, 2021 by Sarfaraz 632 views
0 votes
1 answer

Error from server (NotFound): the server could not find the requested resource

Hi@akhatr, The following error might indicate that something ...READ MORE

Jul 16, 2020 in Kubernetes by MD
• 95,440 points
0 votes
1 answer
0 votes
1 answer

Any one know how to create certs under /etc/kubernetes/PKI path files ?

Use OpenSSL or CfSSL. Refer to Hope it helps! To ...READ MORE

Sep 30, 2020 in Kubernetes by Vishwanath Deshpande

edited Oct 6, 2021 by Sarfaraz 405 views
0 votes
1 answer

Whenever I open Kubernetes dashboard , it ask for token. How to fix it ?

This article will help you. You have to ...READ MORE

Sep 21, 2020 in Kubernetes by Jai

edited Oct 6, 2021 by Sarfaraz 656 views
0 votes
1 answer

Getting the below error while trying to run a Jenkins pipeline for deployment on a Kubernetes cluster.

Hi@Aryan, I have checked your Jenkins file in ...READ MORE

Aug 26, 2020 in Kubernetes by MD
• 95,440 points
0 votes
1 answer

What is pod affinity and node affinity?

Node Affinity ensures that pods are hosted ...READ MORE

Jul 17, 2019 in Kubernetes by Sirajul
• 59,230 points