400 bad request-The plain http request was sent to https port nginx

+1 vote

I've created an ingress rule for my cluster but when I go to the port and try to open it, I get the following error:

Oct 24, 2018 in Kubernetes by Hannah
• 18,520 points

3 answers to this question.

0 votes

You encounter this error because every time a client tries to access your site via HTTP, the request is redirected to HTTPS. It’s because the nginx expects SSL to be used in the transaction yet the original request was plain HTTP, it complains with the error.

In you nginx config file comment the the following line

#ssl on
answered Oct 24, 2018 by Kalgi
• 52,350 points

I am using openshift 4.3 and I have created route with target port 443. In my nginx I have something like this

server {

    listen       8080;
    <% if ENV["HTTPS__ENABLED"] == "true" %>
    listen <%= ENV["HTTPS__PORT"] %> ssl;
    # These files are generated by the node app
    ssl_certificate /cert.csr;
    ssl_certificate_key /tls_private_key.csr;
    ssl_protocols TLSv1.2;
    <% end %>
    server_name <%= ENV["DEFAULT_SERVICE_NAME"].sub("https://", "") || localhost %>;

I get this error

400 Bad Request

The plain HTTP request was sent to HTTPS port

Did you expose your Pod?
0 votes

You usually get this error when you try to configure you Nginx to handle both HTTP and HTTPS requests. 

To fix this error, comment out the line below in your configuration or set it to off.

#ssl on 
ssl off

Save and close the file. Then restart the nginx service.

# systemctl restart nginx
$ sudo systemctl restart nginx
answered Apr 30, 2019 by Kavya
0 votes

If you check your config file, it says "listen to port 80"(HTTP) and "SSL on". When you point your browser to http://localhost, it tries to connect via HTTP but since you have mentioned SSL it expects to use SSL. 

What you can do is have two separate servers, something like this:

server {
  listen 80;

  // other directives...

server {
  listen 443;

  ssl on;
  // SSL directives...

  // other directives...
answered Apr 30, 2019 by Vaidya

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