Minikube is a tool that lets you use a Kubernetes cluster locally. It lets you create a single node cluster inside a VM on your laptop. It's mainly used for people who have recently started learning Kubernetes and who like to experiment. Minikube also requires you to set up a cluster. Have a look at this is understand how to set up a cluster on a Linux system. https://www.edureka.co/community/39047/how-do-i-set-up-a-minikube-cluster-on-ubuntu
Hope its helps!
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Duplicate of https://www.edureka.co/community/26673/error-saying-publi ...READ MORE
Hi@akhtar, In Kubernetes, no command is available to ...READ MORE
Hi@akhtar, You will get your token when you ...READ MORE
if you need to do this is ...READ MORE
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Hey @nmentityvibes, you seem to be using ...READ MORE
Try using ingress itself in this manner except ...READ MORE
Hi Kalgi after following above steps it ...READ MORE
Follow these steps: $ kubeadm reset $ kubeadm init ...READ MORE
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