Error in log when trying to create a kubernetes cluster saying 1 node s had taints that the pod didn t tolerate

+2 votes

I am trying to create a kube cluster and my pods were in the pending state. When I tried looking at the logs, I found something fishy

There was an error saying 

1 node(s) had taints that the pod didn't tolerate.

What does that mean and how do I get rid of it?

Jan 11, 2019 in Kubernetes by Clapton

1 answer to this question.

+2 votes

You get this error when your pod is not being able to schedule to your worker nodes. This could be coz of various reasons - pods not ready, nodes not ready, not sufficient memory etc. 

I think here your nodes haven't joined the cluster yet, there is no way it is going to deploy a pod on a worker node and hence the error.

You can remove the taint using this command but chose this is your last option as it's not a good practice. What it will do is, it'll start deploying pods on your master instead of your worker nodes which we do not want. 

kubectl taint nodes--all
answered Jan 11, 2019 by Yesha

edited Jun 28, 2019
But that won't work right? Pods cannot be executed on the master right? Theoretically, its impossible right?
No, even pods can be executed on Master. Its possible
Yes you can deploy on master but isn't that considered very bad practice?

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