Whenever a pod exceeds its memory limit a signal SIGKILL is sent which immediately terminates the container and spawns a new one with OOM(out of memory) error.
The OS, if using a cgroup based containerisation (docker, rkt, etc), will do the OOM killing.
Kubernetes simply sets the cgroup limits but is not ultimately responsible for killing the processes.
'SIGTERM ' is sent to PID 1 and k8s waits for (default of 30 seconds) `terminationGracePeriodSeconds` before sending the `SIGKILL` or you can change that time with terminationGracePeriodSeconds in the pod.
As long as your container will eventually exit, it should be fine to have a long grace period. If you want a graceful restart it would have to do it inside the pod.
If you don't want it killed, then you shouldn't set a memory `limit` on the pod and there's not a way to disable it for the whole node.
Also, when the liveness probe fails, the container will SIGTERM and SIGKILL after some grace period.
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