Is it too late to switch career with an experience of 20 years

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I have almost 20+ years of experience. Now, I have started feeling that I am no more happy doing my job and want to change career. Is it okay making a career switch at this point of time?
Feb 14, 2019 in Career Counselling by Rishikesh Ankit

2 answers to this question.

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There is a saying that goes like this:- It is never too late to start something.

You have a good experience of 20+ years and its just a matter of days you will need to learn something new. So, if you want to change your domain and start something new, the first step for doing this is learning the new thing. Eventually with your experience you will get the job you are looking for.

All the best!
answered Feb 14, 2019 by Sahil
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Hi Rishikesh, I agree with Sahil that its never too late to start and explore something new. Its all about making the right choice and doing what you feel you would do best. The best thing in your scenario is your experience. Having such long experience makes you not only knowledgeable but also wise. You can choose whatever field you are interested in and with your prior experience you will be able to understand it better.

See, you got one life and you can't live it with regrets. A lot of people might not support your decision, and even you might feel uncomfortable going out of your comfort zone and starting as a fresher in a new field. But if you are determined that you will do good, just go and explore the career options.
answered Apr 1, 2019 by Anjali

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