What is a career advice that people realize late in life

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What are your opinion on a career advice that people learn late in life?
Feb 14, 2019 in Career Counselling by Rishikesh Ankit

5 answers to this question.

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The one advice could be that, choose a job that you like and not the one that pays you more but you are not happy doing this.

Most of the people they join a high paying job and then regret later when they get bored of doing the work and want to change the domain.
answered Feb 14, 2019 by Sahil
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Hi Rishikesh, one career advice which people usually realizes late in life, is the knowledge they posses. Usually in start of the career, people tend to stick to one technology and don't realize that gaining knowledge should be their main goal at the start of their careers, as that's the phase of any career where you could learn as much as you want. Learning or working on different technologies makes you aware of the new technologies and gives you exposure of other IT domains. This would help you in deciding which specific field you are interested in.
Freshers usually keeps on working on the technology they first worked on and later realizes that switching to some other domain is a bit difficult to them as they are completely unaware of other technologies. So always try to learn new things, and keep exploring for options.
answered Apr 1, 2019 by Kartik
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Choosing your career should be the basic fundamental once you are pursuing any degree. You should have a basic idea that on what domain you want to see your future,because this is a basic mistake people do in the initial stage of there career.

Once people are with some random jobs just sake of earning they suffer the most because after that they feel clueless. If you belong from technical field make sure you go for IT sector to learn and make use of that.

Choose wisely so that you should not regret later.
answered Apr 8, 2019 by amrita
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Look for work that you would love to do. Unfortunately people go after the so called 'popular' careers or simply stumble into what seems apparent and simple. This is the reason why work is a a drudgery and life is a monotony for most. There is money and position and status and assets but no fun. the work appears to be a compulsion to earn money and other people life seems to be more interesting and attractive.

Since we are at it i wish to mention that, it is very important to have all the children go through a scientific Aptitude test with an experienced counselor. Aptitude is the nearest to knowing what the individual is made for and a thorough aptitude profiling can bring the person closest to their personalized career that would give them happiness and satisfaction.
answered Aug 30, 2019 by Sapna
• 140 points
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Overseas education is widely under rated still in some part of the country. All overseas educations are based on tests that vary based on the country one is trying to get into. People would feel that these tests are difficult and we may be unable to crack it. However, its not the case as most of the questions are basic and related to language. Once we get into the overseas university life become easy as most Indian Companies still give preference to Foreign Education.
answered Apr 20, 2020 by Viobe
• 140 points

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