What is a good career change for Software Engineer

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I know as jumping around trying and testing between jobs is not good. What is the best way to make a job change, so that, it becomes more relevant as per the salary and job both? What are your suggestions?
Feb 11, 2019 in Career Counselling by Randy William

3 answers to this question.

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Yes, too many experiment with your career will just make you unstable and will give a bad impression of you through your resume to the recruiters. Hence, before selecting a job make sure that you have ample opportunity of learning and utilizing your skills. You should look forward to the job role because eventually with hard work people often bag good salary. The one thing I find off about current trend is that people run for higher salary and eventually by not being satisfied by their job they start looking for other jobs.

Hence my only suggestion to everyone starting a career or planning to switch will be that make sure you know what you are signing up for. Make sure that the job will take care of you because if they will eventually you will take care of the work.

All the best.
answered Feb 11, 2019 by Thomas Benneck
0 votes
If you have been in Software Development for a long time, then you surely have got strong skills. I am not sure why you want to change your career but here are some jobs you can consider. You can get into management (project manager, department manager), you can build a start-up. By building a start-up you will be teaching a lot to young developers. I know that with start-up, you need time to start getting good profits and setting it up is too much work. But hey, if you need a career change then you need to do this.
answered Feb 25, 2019 by Neha
0 votes
Why don't you consider getting into the teaching profession? You can teach at a University or at training institutes. I have heard that people with good industrial experience get paid well as teachers. I am a 100% sure but it is worth researching.
answered Feb 25, 2019 by Raksha

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