I want to learn data analysis with Python and SQL to change my current role and get a job I have worked for 5 years as Analyst but have experience in Excel only

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Though I have knowledge of SQL and Python, but I am not being successful in grabbing a job as I find it hard to explain and relate the current role (where I am only using Excel) with Python and SQL.

Can Edureka help me?
Sep 13, 2020 in Ask us Anything! by Saquib
• 130 points

2 answers to this question.

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Hi @Saquib,

Hope you are keeping well!

As far as your current role is concerned, where you have been working on excel only, show to the interviewer that although you had prominently worked with excel, you have a stronghold on python and SQL. 

For this give instances if any from your work where you had used SQL to fetch or store something and may be used python for any of the analysis you did as a part of your work. 

In case you can't think of any such instances, then tell that you have been utilizing your python and SQL skills for a project that you have been doing as a case study (Exclusive of your work). Create such a sample project in GitHub and you could probably put that on your resume as well.

Alternatively, you could polish these skills or maybe get certified for the same so that the recruiter gets to know about your Python and SQL skills through the certifications you have done.

Hope this helps! All the best! :)

PS: Edureka also hires Python professionals ;)

answered Sep 14, 2020 by Sirajul
• 59,230 points
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Hey, @Saquib,

As you have mentioned that you are ken to learn data analysis with Python, I  would suggest you go through this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B42n3Pc-N2A

Having knowledge of SQL and Python is good but if you cannot present your knowledge correctly to the concerned area then it will be of no use. I would suggest you join any online communication skill developer where you can upgrade with your spoken quality. It will be 70% easier for you to get the job.

answered Sep 14, 2020 by Gitika
• 65,770 points

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