What are the best online web development course

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I'm a beginner and I want to create my own website. How could I do that and where to start?
Can anyone suggest me which course should  I refer to start web development? Can anyone explain me with proper steps to follow?

Thanx in advance!!
May 13, 2020 in Career Counselling by kartik
• 37,520 points

recategorized May 13, 2020 by Niroj 861 views

1 answer to this question.

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First,I'll suggest you learn the basics to web development and then you can build on that knowledge.
Then you should learn how the client and web server interacts and how the response is generated.

Here below are the steps where you can learn Web Development course:

Stage 1 – HTML: Learn about the programing languages like HTML. In HTML5, you can not just prepare the basic structure of the web page but we have many more things that we can do. 

Stage 2 – CSS: Learn more about CSS and its uses. CSS creates the beauty on HTML pages. With the help of CSS, you can make your web page colorful and smooth. You can even create animations using CSS.

Stage 3 – JAVASCRIPT: Skills to learn about JavaScript. Its turn to create some useful tasks that your web page elements will do when some activities performed on your web pages like button click events, mouse over any text, playing and pausing some animations on page, etc.

Stage 4 – PHP: Nowadays we have the works of a lot perform on the back end of our web page called server. So to code on server-side we need server-side scripting language which one is PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor).

Also learn about these concepts also MySQL, BOOTSTRAP. Advance technologies like Frameworks, Libraries.

I think what's more effective is that after each major section, there were mini projects designed to make you apply what you have learned.

If you are looking to get  started and certified in web development be sure to check out the link given below:

Learn Web Development by building 25 websites and mobile apps using HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP, Python, MySQL & more!

However, you can also check out Edureka’s YouTube channel which has over a million entrusting subscribers for all the updates and tutorials on web development. Here is the link for the same:

Web Development Full Course - 10 Hours | Learn Web Development from Scratch | Edureka

If you want to know the salary for full stack developer refer to the link:

Salary structure of a full satck developer

Hope this is helpful!!

Enroll in Web Developer Course online to learn more in detail.

All the best!!

Thank You!!

answered May 13, 2020 by Niroj
• 82,840 points

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