Parsing a date with possible single-digit month day year hour by using java text SimpleDateFormat

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I am creating a project in Talend Open Studio for Data Integration, in which I am getting an error while parsing the dates from the data source. The date is of “String” data type in the following format: 3/14/1967 0:00:00.

As per my research, I can see Talend is using java.text.SimpleDateFormat. I think SimpleDateFormat package handle the single-or-double digit problem. So, I am using “d-M-yyyy H:mm:ss” but still it gives me the following error: Unparsable date: 9/18/1994 0:00:00.

Can you suggest any solution for this or do I need to use a different date pattern?

Apr 4, 2018 in Talend by 93.lynn
• 1,600 points

edited Apr 4, 2018 by 93.lynn 7,810 views

2 answers to this question.

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If you look at your code, you can pretty much easily deduce the reason for your error. To put it simply, your input date pattern is “3/14/1947” i.e “M/d/yyyy” while the one you are using to specify it is “d-M-yyyy”. Moreover, for the separator, you are using is a hyphen (-) instead of a front slash (/).

answered Apr 4, 2018 by misc.edu04
• 1,450 points
0 votes

Try using M/d/yyyy format.

You might be using the format wrong because i have never faced this error.

answered Aug 3, 2018 by Nilesh
• 7,050 points

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