Parsing JSON in Talend

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How can I parse JSON docs into Java codes in a Talend Job? As each of my source files contains a several hundred JSON docs and a single JSON doc takes up an entire line of the file I am unable to use tFileInputJSON. I've been looking for a component which can work out with this but have failed to do so. As per my research, it seems tFileInputJSON is relatively new. Can anyone suggest any strategy to deal with this?
Apr 3, 2018 in Talend by misc.edu04
• 1,450 points

1 answer to this question.

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While working with JSON files, one thing you must remember is that Talend doesn't support any JSON component like tExtractXMLField or so. 

What should you do?

So, in order to solve this problem you need to follow the below steps:
STEP 1: First, you need to read the data from the source file line by line.
STEP 2: Next, you need to save the current line in a new delimited file (test.txt).
STEP 3: To extract test.txt, you can make use of tFileInputJSON and then perform the job logic.
STEP 4: Now using tFileDelete, you can delete the test.txt file and go to the next iteration of every new line.

Or the other way you can try out is, by using Custom Routines.

Routines in Talend work similar to Java functions using which you can write your own custom code. These can be invoked from anywhere inside a Job (using tMap, tJava etc.). These routines can then write in a file, print on a screen or return some list objects which you can utilize with another tJava, tJavaFlex, tJavaRow or any other components in a job.

At first, creating routines may look little complex and time consuming, but I can assure you that it will definitely help you in the long run.

Hope this will help!

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answered Apr 3, 2018 by code.reaper12
• 3,500 points

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