I am struggling with tRest component while trying to retrieve the JSON data. I am sharing the screenshot of the Job I have created. 
Following is the screenshot of my tExtractJSONField component which I am using in order to extract the “text” field from the input data: 
But the with this is, I am not able to add all the attributes for mapping.
Please suggest me how to get this done.
Following is the sample of the input file I am using:
"network": "twitter",
"post_id": "547835328170823680",
"text": "#tunisie .. #tunis",
"html": " ",
"permalink": " ",
"post_time": 1419449095,
"user_id": "159415522",
"user_name": " ",
"user_real_name": " ",
"user_profile_image_url": " ",
"hashtags": [ "tunisie", "tunis" ]
"network": "Facebook",
"post_id": "547835328170823680",
"text": "#tunisia .. #tunis",
"html": " ",
"permalink": " ",
"post_time": 1777449095,
"user_id": "159995522",
"user_name": " ",
"user_real_name": " ",
"user_profile_image_url": " ",
"hashtags": [ "tunisia", "tunis2" ]