What does a Computer Scientist do at ISRO

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What does a Computer Scientist do at ISRO?
Sep 6, 2019 in Career Counselling by Kalpana
Hahah work on missions like Chandrayan 2

4 answers to this question.

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Hey Kalpana, a day to day job of a Computer Scientist includes development of algorithms, modules, techniques or analyzers for bigger projects. They mostly prefers Python, FORTRAN or MATLAB for most of the development processes. Sometimes, you might even get a chance to do research on developing special Data Processing ideas,equipment etc.
answered Sep 9, 2019 by Abha
• 28,140 points
+2 votes
A Computer Science Engineer or Computer Scientist at ISRO works on various technical aspects of ongoing Space Missions. This includes creating or maintaining Software for Simulations and Statistical analysis. There are also work areas for managing Computer networks, Data Mining, creating Integration software for Ground and space units

Think about the amount of data satellites capture from space or the amount of parameters they need to consider before making any satellite launch. So according to me, Statistics and Data Analysis are major areas where jobs are coming up in ISRO projects.
answered Sep 9, 2019 by Vineetha
+1 vote

The software scene in ISRO is more of an operations thing than research.

  • Computer Scientists will need and develop software to run our various systems and these systems are the focus.

  • Apart from user/service software/applications developed at centres like Space Application Centre, ISRO has an intensive network of centres/GROUND-stations and this network is managed by ISTRAC.

  • They use both Linux- and Windows-based platforms and develop for both too.

  • JAVA is the favoured language, but we use C, C++, C#, Python, Perl, etc. a lot too. Whatever gets the work done. At ISTRAC, computer networking is a high priority and in-demand task.

  • Then, there is the requirement of building simulation software. This is done by all centres as per their requirements. Also, India’s largest supercomputer is at Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre, meant for aerospace simulations.

  • All these simulations as well as developments are done by a computer scientist.

answered Sep 9, 2019 by Sirajul
• 59,230 points
+1 vote
A computer scientist is a person who knows well in and out about computer programming, algorithms, hardware, etc. They are well known about various computer fields and related skills in algorithms, programming, etc. They work on creating or maintaining Software for Simulations and Statistical analysis along with the development and testing of different software.
answered Sep 10, 2019 by anonymous
• 33,030 points

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