How do you measure Success [closed]

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Once I was in an interview session and the interviewer was really satisfied with my resume. He asked me "How do you measure your success? I was confused to answer that kind of question and stammer a bit. Can anyone help me out how to respond to this question?

closed with the note: deals with a very trivial concern.
Apr 25, 2019 in Career Counselling by pavitra

closed Sep 11, 2019 by Sirajul 1,456 views
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The best approach to answering this question is to prepare specific examples of your successes and judge those factors you contributed to your achievements.

You can say  " I like to maintain a consistent level of productivity and take both my successes and failures hand in hand. I try to learn both and apply that knowledge to future situations".

You can mention any situation where you came up with any strategies that contributed to your success. You can also discuss some new targets where you have come up with a fresh solution with the help of your team members.

IMPORTANT: Try not to make your response all about you. If you are being hired for a job, where you are part of a team or management, then it is a good idea to give credit to the people who were helping you succeed. Sharing the credit for your successes will show the interviewer how you will be able to fit in when you are in a job that involves working well with others.

answered Apr 25, 2019 by Gitika
• 65,770 points
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Answering this question gives the hiring manager an idea of what your goals are, your work ethic and your overall personality.

Believe it or not, this question doesn’t really have a right answer. 

To be able to tackle this question successfully, you need to know the company's background and yourself.

A sample answer may sound something like this:

“Success is setting a goal, planning the steps required to achieve it, and effectively implementing that plan. Once I think I’ve achieved that goal, I’ve succeeded.”

answered Sep 11, 2019 by Sirajul
• 59,230 points

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