What career path can get a software engineer get involved more in business

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What according to you is a career path where a software engineer can get himself/herself involved more in business?
Feb 15, 2019 in Career Counselling by Debdeep

3 answers to this question.

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Software Engineers usually have such questions in mind. Most of my colleagues are computer science graduates and they are currently working in the content marketing team, where they can use their technical knowledge to build content and build their marketing skills by performing SEO and by promoting their content. So marketing is definitely a good field for software engineers.
answered Feb 15, 2019 by Clintoff
0 votes

Hi Debdeep, job profiles like Inside-Sales or Content Writing or Business Analyst require both technical and business knowledge. So you can go into any of these or related fields if you want to get involved more into business.

answered Mar 29, 2019 by Manish
0 votes


According to me being a software engineer and knowing all the technical details is not sufficient. If you have knowledge regarding how to business your product then i guess you will have a better chance in your field as well if you want to switch to any other firm.

Now companies are coming up with profiles where you need to sound technically good and you should have a basic idea that how you can market your content, and also they pay well for this kind of profiles. 

So yes there is a career for the software engineers in business or marketing.

answered Apr 1, 2019 by rashmi

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