Why is it important for the software testing team to interact and discuss with the development team

+1 vote
Why is it important for the software testing team to interact and discuss with the development team?
Dec 12, 2018 in Career Counselling by Ali
• 11,360 points

3 answers to this question.

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If at all a customer has any issues related to testing activities and operational matters of the project then it is the software testing manager who is responsible for communicating the details to the client regarding how things are being managed. The software testing manager not only answers the queries of the customers but also ensures that the project is completed on time as per the requirement of the customer.
answered Dec 12, 2018 by Purva
0 votes


First of all , clients requirement will be given to both the development and testing department. Once the development team will be done with completion of the software part now its the time for testing team to see anything has left or not as per the clients requirement. Any error masking has been done by the development department.

Regarding issues with the clients satisfaction both the departments needs to interact and discuss about their project.

answered Apr 4, 2019 by sunny
0 votes
They allow the developers to get valuable feedback about how the software could be better by improving the ui or user experience and could detect potential bugs and debug these bugs before the sales and release of the software.
answered Jul 30, 2019 by anonymous

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