First, find out the id of the process that ...READ MORE
Hello fellow techies, Assuming you use bash shell ...READ MORE
Hey @Laksha, execute the following commands: $ sudo ...READ MORE
'Stale File Handle error' occurs when the ...READ MORE
I needed to do a similar thing ...READ MORE
Hi guys I was facing same problem as ...READ MORE
नेटवर्क कनेक्शन चाहिए READ MORE
The easiest method is through network manager: 1- ...READ MORE
Check filesystem usage. df -h If /var is showing ...READ MORE
Hi, @Kal You can use this command below to ...READ MORE
Sorry in advance for any formatting. Check out ...READ MORE
use ping dont add www or https READ MORE
#!/bin/bash for i in `cat peptides.txt` do echo $i done READ MORE
Hey @Dinesh, this isn't an error, its ...READ MORE
Hi, File permission 755 means that the directory ...READ MORE
Hey Prince! This seems to be like a ...READ MORE
grep -rnw 'text to find recursively inside ...READ MORE
Press Insert. Likewise, to duplicate from the window, ...READ MORE
The default shell (/bin/sh) under Ubuntu focuses ...READ MORE
Linux Subsystem fills in as a Linux-PC. ...READ MORE
It's a math test. assist with testing ...READ MORE
It's a show so the *nix shell ...READ MORE
In the event that your reach has ...READ MORE
Regardless of whether man pages are exceptionally ...READ MORE
Try this out: destination="$HOME/Desktop/sandbox" freespace="$(df -h / | tail ...READ MORE
utilizing "$@" will substitute the contentions as ...READ MORE
The explanation $1 doesn't match is on ...READ MORE
Luckily, the Bash Reference Manual is accessible ...READ MORE
Single statements will not insert anything, yet ...READ MORE
Single statements will not add anything, however ...READ MORE
sed is the Stream EDitor. It can ...READ MORE
To check if a directory exists in ...READ MORE
You are actually using a bash terminal. ...READ MORE
Indeed you would have to introduce telnet ...READ MORE
Assuming that you believe your content should ...READ MORE
Introduce RVM: gpg - - keyserver hkp:// - ...READ MORE
Anyway, you need to print everything except ...READ MORE
You can login via Windows command prompt ...READ MORE
You ought to recollect that shell prearranging ...READ MORE
Clone the master branch. As you said ...READ MORE
Open settings with Ctrl + , You'll want ...READ MORE
Install RVM gpg --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 409B6B1796C275462A1703113804BB82D39DC0E3 Now ...READ MORE
Amazon Linux is CentOs-based which means that ...READ MORE
To help you with your doubt, if ...READ MORE
Hi@Abdullah, Are you talking about swap partition in ...READ MORE
Hi@akhtar, Htpasswd command is available in the Linux ...READ MORE
Hi@akhtar, htpasswd is used to create and update ...READ MORE
Hi, The command whoami is used to know ...READ MORE
Hi@akhtar, There may be many reasons behind this error. ...READ MORE
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