Ubuntu installing problem

+2 votes
I am installing Ubuntu alongside with Windows 8.1. during installation I m facing problem , problem is " executing grub installation/dev/sda  failed, this is fatal error
Oct 15, 2018 in Linux Administration by Prince
• 160 points

recategorized Oct 15, 2018 by Vardhan 1,267 views

2 answers to this question.

+1 vote

I think it might have messed up your hard disk name. Do try reinstalling GRUB.

  1. Boot using a live CD of Ubuntu.

  2. Open a terminal and run the command

    sudo fdisk -l

    It lists the complete partition table of the hard disk. In there, identify which partition you have got your linux installed on. You can identify it using the drive size you had allocated for it and looking at the last column of the output which will be ‘extended’ for all of your linux partitions. The partition will most probably be something like /dev/sda5 or something. Remember this partition.

  3. Create a temporary folder in your home directory (Note: You can make the temporary folder anywhere you want. I’m using the home folder just for the sake of explanation). I’m calling it ‘temp’ for now. So that ‘temp’ folder’s path will be /home/ubuntu/temp.

  4. Mount your linux partition there. That is, assuming that you found your linux partition to be /dev/sda5, you mount that at the ‘temp’ folder by doing the following command

    sudo mount /dev/sda5 /home/ubuntu/temp
  5. If you want to check whether you have mounted the correct partition, go to your home folder and open temp. You will be in the / directory. In there you will find ‘home’, in which your home folder’s name will be there. Once you’ve confirmed you have mounted the correct partition, do step 6.

  6. You have to install grub by showing the system where to read the data from the hard disk at the beginning. Don’t worry, just run the following command

    sudo grub-install --root-directory=/home/ubuntu/temp /dev/sda

    The /dev/sda corresponds to your hard disk name. Replace it by whatever the command sudo fdisk -l command showed you.

  7. You’re done. You may restart your system.

answered Oct 15, 2018 by Priyaj
• 58,020 points
+1 vote

Hey Prince!

This seems to be like a problem with the drive name. When you start the installation, switch to command line/terminal mode. Then type lsblk -a and hit enter. This will show you a list of specified block devices similar to this image.

Now see which drive you want to install ubuntu onto. Suppose you want to install it on /dev/sdb, specify /dev/sdb as mount point when grub asks you the installation drive. This should solve your problem.

answered Oct 15, 2018 by Omkar
• 69,220 points

edited Oct 15, 2018 by Kalgi

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