What could be the heights of smart homes in the future

+11 votes
We have seen IoT changing the way of living and the houses we live in, what do you think can be the new heights of Smart homes that we will see in the coming future. what do you think smart lights, ac, tv, fridge, washing machine . . . whats going to be the next smart gadget?
Jul 3, 2018 in Career Counselling by bug_seeker
• 15,510 points

52 answers to this question.

+4 votes
IoT in the year of 2010-2018 gained a lot of popularity and now a days we have many working examples of this and IoT has influenced many lives. Talking about the smart homes yes there is no limits when you talk about how smart can your home be and how things can be implemented.

Talking about the SMART home yes its way more than we thought it could have been

eg:- tell your hose when you will reach your house and bammm AC is working to cool down the place, shower is ready with warm water etc.

So it all depends on imagination of a human! You can think it, there are people to implement it.
answered Jul 3, 2018 by Priyaj
• 58,020 points
+1 vote
Well, who could forget the address  "10880,Malibu Point,Malibu"? Iron man's home address!! The smartest home one could have ever seen.. Even if that was in a movie and people could say "it's just in movies", the way things are going on in IoT domain, i dont think those years are far where such home would actually exist.. That would be "heights of smart home" for me. AI controlling anything and everything.
answered Jul 4, 2018 by digger
• 26,740 points
0 votes

Next smart gadget? Well there are plethora of ideas that are waiting to be implemented .

Using your smartphone, you can check the oven or the lights from the car and turn them off if you left them on. You can check in on the dog, adjust the thermostat, and turn the lights and heat on as you head home from work. Or may be we get to use 'The smart kitchen' where the kitchen will use combination of cameras , sensors etc.

But the only thing standing between these amazing ideas and reality is the achieving data security and interoperability between these gadgets. With people trying to make this things possible we can be rest assured that this will be a reality some day.

answered Jul 4, 2018 by datageek
• 2,540 points
+2 votes

The next smart gadget ? Well there are plethora of ideas regarding what is next big innovation in smart homes.

Using your smartphone you can check the oven or the lights from the cars and turn them off if you let them on .You can check in on you pet , adjust the thermostat and much more.

But the thing that's standing between idea and implementation is the achieving data security and interoperability between the devices.If we can achieve that then we have got ourselves the comfort of smart homes.

answered Jul 4, 2018 by datageek
+1 vote

The pace at which technology is moving we could expect anything because IOT has never stopped surprising us.

We could probably get breakfast in bed, change the interiors based on the occasion, a mechanism that cleans the house, a smart kitchen which cooks by itself without or with very little human interference.

This is just my imagination, anything is possible.

If you guys have more such cool ideas comment away!

answered Jul 4, 2018 by Kalgi
• 52,350 points

edited Jul 6, 2018 by Kalgi
+1 vote
If i were to design my home in a smart way i would ask it to clean up the mess i make, monitor my schedule and keep me pinging about them keep track of my entire schedule.
answered Jul 4, 2018 by xyz
• 1,560 points
0 votes
I would want my house to be ready for giving me a warm welcome when i get back from work as in perfect temperature, my food hot and ready again to change the walls as per my mood, assist me with my tasks!
answered Jul 4, 2018 by QueenBee
• 1,820 points
0 votes
To my smart home i would want a Z- class security so that when i go to sleep, i be sure that am safe!
answered Jul 4, 2018 by eatcodesleeprepeat
• 4,710 points
0 votes
How about Smart-Toilets? I think toilets could use some of our smart tech!!
answered Jul 6, 2018 by jon_snow
The concept of smart toilets are already out there, infact it is out there in Japan.
have a look
woah...do they do smart-flush?
0 votes
I would expect my smart house to have a mechanism where i can sneak out and my parents would never realize.
answered Jul 6, 2018 by Lina
0 votes
I think smart homes should have mood detectors and change the environment of my home according to my mood. Like changing the lights, playing music. It could also be designed as mood enhancers. Suppose you are feeling low, it could play some funny things and if u are angry, it should help you calm down..
answered Jul 6, 2018 by the_architect
Woooh....so that's like reading our minds for wishful thinking...
0 votes

I don't think these smart homes can get any smarter...

What is the smartest home?? 

I mean, smart homes nowadays can even get groceries on its own without manual intervention...

answered Jul 6, 2018 by jimmy_longmann
• 930 points

edited Jul 6, 2018 by jimmy_longmann
+1 vote
I don't like the concept of smart homes, it's just making humans lazy.
answered Jul 6, 2018 by Karan
Yea well...that's the whole point of smart homes right?

Because Technology is built on the concept of LAZINESS! :P
0 votes
How about a smart roof? Just like Hogwards in Harry Potter?

Change the theme according to the weather or the mood or the occasion?
answered Jul 6, 2018 by QueenBee
• 1,820 points
haha....you wish mate xD
Grow up and get out of your fantasy freaking world..
PS: This is #IoT
0 votes
I love watching movies and i watch movies at night.. it irritates me to go and switch off the lights every time i start/resume the movie and put the lights on when i have paused the movie.. So i think smart homes should have this function of controlling the lights while i am watching movie.. and also change the lights of the room depending on the situation in the movie
answered Jul 6, 2018 by digger
• 26,740 points
0 votes

Only if this guy was smarter i wouldn't need a smart home!!!

answered Jul 6, 2018 by halelua
0 votes
i would want a smart which would let me choose the region.. like a forest or a beach or a hill-top and then change the temperature, smell, sound, view of my home as that in the chosen region..
answered Jul 10, 2018 by toied
0 votes
Innovation never stops and never has!

Discovery is the base.

So what else smart you need your house to be it will be done!!

Mines would be a portable house so that when i am at a vacation i don't miss my house!
answered Jul 10, 2018 by Nabarupa
0 votes
A home that would keep a track of my routine and reminds me when i get deviate from it.
answered Jul 10, 2018 by shitzu
0 votes
I think they should make google assistant and siri more smarter. Google assistant might be the next big thing as it has already replaced tv remotes and stuff.
answered Jul 12, 2018 by chandler
0 votes
The next smart gadget would be fridges. probably you can get a fridge that you can carry it around like a trolly and never run out on cold water.
answered Jul 12, 2018 by mike
0 votes
I want my future home to be in control of my finger tips!
answered Jul 12, 2018 by Neha
0 votes
according to my imagination i think my house would be able to monitor my activities and prepare a routine for next day!
that is when i would call my home smart!
answered Jul 12, 2018 by Rangeela
0 votes
Smart house, we have come a long way from living beneath the open sky to caves to kaccha house to pakka house to house that are way taller than our imagination. We did not stop there now we have smart homes thanks to the technology. I would still want my house to be intelligent enough to diagnose the health of my family members so that everyone has a longer life!
answered Jul 12, 2018 by Rana
0 votes
My version of smart home would be that It be the coziest place to be!

everything changes automatically according to my requirement and mood and situation.

Color of the wall changes according to the mood etc
answered Jul 12, 2018 by Ravi
0 votes
It would be nice actually awesome if my house is capable of handling my daily routine so that i never miss any of the things for my daily schedule and if i forget my house reminds me of that!
answered Jul 12, 2018 by Hemant
0 votes
I live in a place where there is a lot of traffic. So i want my home to reduce the noise of the traffic and play some nature like sounds
answered Jul 12, 2018 by mamta
0 votes
I am a parent and i have a baby. My smart home should be able to take care of my baby when i am a little occupied with the household work.. At least for few mins till i leave the work i am doing and come to the baby..
answered Jul 12, 2018 by jinny
0 votes
My smart home should have automated cleaning facility
answered Jul 12, 2018 by joe
0 votes
I think future homes will have like amazing security and make it impossible for thieves to break in.
answered Jul 12, 2018 by krish
0 votes
I want my smart home to have an assistant like in Iron Man movie and should control the home according to my orders.
answered Jul 12, 2018 by arya
0 votes
My smart home should have automated moving couches, chairs, tables, wardrobes and other materials so that i could customize my home as i want when i want
answered Jul 18, 2018 by lanoitpo
0 votes
I like my comfort most hence i want that my house is completely voice controlled!

Every thing get done by few spoken statement.
answered Jul 18, 2018 by Rooster
0 votes
Smart kitchen could be of some use!

Eg:- there are cookers connected to Alexa and alarms when the food is cooked or what things are missing or what else needs to be done on that!
answered Jul 18, 2018 by Rohit
0 votes
I guess my home should be smart!

As in i have a requirement of TV so my house should share the data to the local stores nearby and get me all the available options.
answered Jul 18, 2018 by Koushik Mondal
0 votes
Smart homes in future for should be able to fix things on their own

Eg:- There is a problem with the sink, repair it

Fridge is not working properly, repair it  etc
answered Jul 18, 2018 by Rahul
0 votes
Privacy and Security

My smart home should be able to recognize my presence.


My way of walking.

My footprint.

Things i generally do when i reach home.

Basically my house should recognize me as i am inside the house. If someone tries trespassing, consequences could be sever.
answered Jul 18, 2018 by IoT_geek
0 votes
I would love to have self adjusting beds for super comfort.
answered Jul 18, 2018 by zulaikha
0 votes
I would want holographic projections such that i can watch TV wherever i want without a screen.
answered Jul 18, 2018 by vijay
0 votes
I would want my smart home to have face recognition system that opens the doors of the house and cupboards only when it sees my face.
answered Jul 18, 2018 by anisha
0 votes
I would want my windows to turn opaque and transparent according to my wish or my voice.
answered Jul 18, 2018 by anoop
0 votes
I suffer from OCD and hence need perfection in everything around me. perfection is impossible to come from humans and hence an automated system that arranges everything symmetrically.
answered Jul 18, 2018 by keshav
0 votes
I would want my smart home to Smart homes are really great and i would like it to be with automatic voice and face detection from AI who knows mine and my family's personal preference.
answered Jul 18, 2018 by chandan
0 votes
i wish my smart home would help me during crisis, like during floods and earthquakes.
answered Jul 18, 2018 by cris
0 votes
All the smart homes have mechanisms for humans, i wish there was some mechanism even for pets. Probably give pets a bath, trim their hair, give food regularly etc.

I think in near future even this would be possible.
answered Jul 20, 2018 by akaash
0 votes
I keep forgetting to water my plants. A smart home which waters the plants regularly would be great.
answered Jul 20, 2018 by Neo
0 votes
Read all these amazing ideas of the kind of smart home people want. I just am curious about the Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. My house learning things on its own and the AI part making it intelligent for the situations. My house doing all the work on its own, suggesting me things to do and correcting me when I am stuck with a mistake. Changing the ambiance of the room according to my mood, recognizing me and treating me accordingly. With all this said i wont need someone else's company. I would be contained with my house itself.
Just like living in your own dream!
answered Jul 20, 2018 by Anchal
0 votes
Future homes are going to be awesome anyways, if i had to put in some ideas as what is going to be my modified version of smart home, I would make mines combat ready! It would be soo cool that even it there is a war outside you still can be safe with all the prediction and all the defense your house provides you!!
answered Jul 20, 2018 by Rohit
0 votes
I hate cleaning, i hope future smart homes are capable of it.
answered Jul 24, 2018 by Shrav
0 votes
I wish my smart home was under the ocean and still give me an option to experience the exact environment that's on the surface and let me switch between the environments whenver i wish to.
answered Jul 25, 2018 by Sundar

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