Enrich skills to convert from manager to executive

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I have experience in BI technologies (Tableau and Power BI) for 5 years. I'm stagnant in the position for a year. What can I learn or work on to improve my chances of promotion and enrich my skills?
Sep 6, 2019 in Career Counselling by anonymous

4 answers to this question.

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Best answer

To move out of any stagnant position and ramp up in career ladder - one has to "SELL" himself in the best way possible. Have a well thought plan and work on below pointers:

Showcase Skills: Do smart work not just hard work. Make sure your work gets noticed. 

Exceed Expectation: Be aware of what is expected out of you and add value to your work. Impress people with things others wouldn't have thought of. This makes you stand out from the crowd.

Look out for others: Also help others around you which shows your capabilities and talent. This will make people vouch for you when time comes.

Lead the way: Be the initiator or innovator of the team. Bring up good ideas to improve work quality and work environment. 

This will make you people favorite and will help you move to executive roles as well. All the best!

answered Sep 10, 2019 by Prahalad

selected Sep 10, 2019 by Abha
0 votes

The key is to be aware of and to practice the right things.  

The successful executive:

  1. Connects well with people, produces safety, trust, and authenticity in interactions, and encourages the voice of others

  2. Listens well to what others care about

  3. Knows what they care about as well, they are not just production drones, but have a vision for the future that brings meaning to their work – this inspires others

  4. Commitment will result in action.

  5. Is curious about their world and always looking to learn as a way to open possibilities

  6. Begin from where you are and what you have making best utilization of resources.

  7. Perceives ignorance as the starting point of new action, not the barrier to it

  8. Coordinates in conversations to speculate, design, experiment, and create something new, not just follow old formulas – is an innovator

  9. Creates value by listening to its source, the assessments of customers of new possibilities and promises

  10. Lives in a permanent posture in the world that links possibility to action to value as a meaningful contribution to others – value producing.

Developing these capabilities is a path of practice, of seeing the world through new eyes, and of always being a beginner at the edge of the unknown. It’s a path of building the emotional and embodied strengths to hold the future, to meet fear without giving away your power to it, and to take care of yourself and others.

answered Sep 9, 2019 by Sirajul
• 59,230 points
0 votes

A few skills you can enhance are -

  • Develop action plans to follow a strict schedule.
  • Take good and responsible decisions.
  • Good communication with other teams, managers, higher Authorities.
  • Be optimistic.
  • Good problem solver.
  • Have productive meetings.
  • Build a network within and outside company individuals.
  • Be open to opportunities
  • Be a good listener as well as speaker
answered Sep 9, 2019 by Cherukuri
• 33,030 points
0 votes
Work hard and take initiatives. That's I've done!
answered Sep 9, 2019 by Leslie

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