Please help I need final year project Ideas to work on data analytics

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Hi, I'm pursuing pre-final year CSE and preparing for campus placements. I have to submit my project idea and the domain of the project. I'm new to R and Data Analytics. I want to work on a project which will improve my chances of working in Data Analytics domain.

Can anyone suggest dataset and ideas?
Sep 6, 2019 in Career Counselling by raghav
Ohhh you can do a lot with R and data analytics. Most of the colleges have constraints on the kind of project you take up. Does your college have any constraints?
Check on github or any other websites. You can get a lot of projects on data analytics with R as Case Studies of various apps like Uber or Tinder.

2 answers to this question.

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Hi Raghav, 

There are different tools you can work on in data analytics. R or SAS or preferred for data analytics as it is easy and fast to use and understand. I would suggest R using which different prediction, machine learning models, regression, etc can be performed. 

Some good ideas as final year projects,

1. Prediction of loan/ profit/ sales/ game win or loss.

2. bivariate analysis

3. Regression

4. Exploratory Data analysis

You can find datasets from different websites such as

Hope it helps! All the best.

answered Sep 9, 2019 by rakshitha
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Here are some ideas: 

  1. Beginner level
    • Iris Data
    • Loan Prediction Data
    • Bigmart Sales Data
    • Time Series Analysis Data
    • Heights and Weights Data
  2. Intermediate Level
    • Human Activity Recognition Data
    • Trip History Data
    • Census Income Data
    • Twitter Classification Data
  3. Advanced Level
    • Identify your Digits
    • Urban Sound Classification
    • Age Detection of Indian Actors Data
    • Recommendation Engine Data
    • VisualQA Data

Elevate Your Data Analyst Skills with the Best Course. - Join Our Leading Data Analyst Course!

answered Sep 9, 2019 by Sirajul
• 59,230 points

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