Android - java or kotlin is better

+1 vote
Which is better?
May 9, 2019 in Career Counselling by Anitha
Both are very good to learn and develop good career growth. But java is universal nowadays. All language is coming from java. Java is a basic structure for the development of any app and software. As its a machine language, it's necessary to learn. It's a very good plan to improve the best career growth. As we top mobile app development company, I suggest you go with java to land and build the best career.

4 answers to this question.

+1 vote

Hi Anitha,

Both are known tools for Android development.

Jave is a traditional language used for Android apps whereas kotlin is gradually replacing java in the past few years.

You can read this blog for differences and pros/cons for each of them.

Hope it helps.

answered May 9, 2019 by Cherukuri
• 33,030 points
+1 vote

@Anitha, For Android development, you should learn both Java and Kotlin. Kotlin has many features and tools that Java does lacks, but to learn Kotlin you need to learn Java. As Kotlin has been derived from Java so, when you use Kotlin to develop apps in android studio you will have to use Java libraries and ultimately you have to use the knowledge of Java to write the code on kotlin. There are many advantages of using Kotlin over Java:

  1. Kotlin is more concise than Java. While, writing Java code we have to write lots of boiler-plate (boiler plate is a part of code that has to be included, means it is a necessary to write that code.for e.g: public static void main(String [] args){} ) code which consumes space and time. Hence, Kotlin helps the developer here. Kotlin does not requires boiler plate code which makes it a clearexpressivepowerful and concise programming language.
  2. JVM makes the language platform independent and Kotlin also runs on JVM and is platform independent.
  3. Kotlin would be having more safety features than Java in the future hence, Kotlin is a better programming language.
  4. Kotlin is inter-operable with the existing Android programming languages and runtimes which means you can call into the Java language from Kotlin and Kotlin language from Java.
  5. Android Studio is built upon the IntelliJ IDEA and it is built by Jet Brains and the same company built the programming language Kotlin so it is easy for the developers to make features and tools.

Hence, Kotlin is a better programming language for Android development. So if you know Java then you can easily learn Kotlin.

answered Jun 12, 2019 by Rashmi
+1 vote

If you are a newbie Android developer, then personally I would like to suggest you get started with Kotlin as it is the most recommended programming language by Google. But if you want to continue with java? then yes, Java is also a better choice; you can stick with Java. My suggestion is just you need to compare both Kotlin vs Java by its features and functionality-wise and see if it matches with your app idea or not. And choose one for your better Android app development.

answered Jan 22, 2020 by Nayan
• 160 points
Thanks @Nayan. I have upvoted your answer.
0 votes
<p>As there are a few answers of differentiation in between the JAVA and Kotlin, I would be happier to rely on kotlin as it's more precise while developing an android mobile application, imagine we have written 10 lines of codes that consist a few errors and more than 4 attempts has been already done by you and still you are not able to find the solution, that's where kotlin takes the place of JAVA in coding approach, it's more reliable with less coding and accurate results, that's the main objective of choosing the kotlin over JAVA.

That doesn't mean JAVA is not a language to work with, everything has pros and cons, as a kotlin requires less consumption in coding and contain complex coding formulas that can't understand by the humans sometimes, and on the other side java takes a bit longer comparing to the Kotlin, but we can write clean and neat code that can be easy to read and edit for humans.

These are my take aware of 4+ years of experience as a mobile app developer and a marketer who helps businesses in reducing their mobile and web application development cost through my insightful experience, although currently I am associated with a leading mobile app development company Chicago, that runs of similar mantra to my understanding, which is bringing tech to reality.
answered Jul 6, 2020 by smithjasson
• 140 points

edited Jul 6, 2020 by smithjasson

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