How to make a successful career switch

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What are the things I should keep in mind before making a career switch?
Feb 1, 2019 in Career Counselling by Sujay

3 answers to this question.

+1 vote
First, think what you want to do. When you think about switching career, think whether it is a good choice for you, whether you will have more success and more happy in the domain. Once, you decide about this, start reading about what skills are required for that particular domain/job role. Set goals, accomplish them one at a time. Don't quit your current job until you are sure you can get a new job. If you think you are ready to hunt for jobs in the new domain, before quitting the current job, make sure you have financial security.
answered Feb 1, 2019 by Anand
+1 vote

Career Switch a scary word buddy. I am struggling to switch my career and all I see is I have failed so far. I have been grassing around for the courses, blogs Quora answers etc etc .. Ended up with just plain free advice .. Nothing fruitful or solid on hand.

Common Advice : Follow your Passion ! but nobody says how do I find my real passion . I am not a geek I don't get excited about many things Just an average foe looking for ways to keep my lifestyle in same or at a better level . I know I sometimes hate my current job but I don't know what I am interested in . Sometimes everything seems interesting I learn about many things but just to the level that I get an overview and leave it there hanging. Hope many share my state of frustration. But career switch is necessary for everyone . Simple MANTRA : Switch the career whenever it feels too comfortable ...

Now coming to your question . Here are my thoughts Things you need to keep in mind are

  • Don't be in a hurry to switch careers
  • Create a proper career path make sure that career switches are related to one another in a progressive manner
  • Look for the skills that you can port from one to the next job . It is not necessary to always start from the first , You will be surprised how much your old mundane skills becomes a boon in the new unknown territory.
  • Don't get carried away by the short term gains and lose your long term goal at the same time be alert to grasp an opportunity that can fulfill your dreams faster
  • Try multiple options and stick to one that you feel aligned to your goals.
  • Get opinions from multiple persons but make sure decision is yours and not others 
Seems I can go on and on but want to stop here so that at least some people read it till the end.
Good luck with your career switch 
answered Feb 5, 2019 by Gopinath
• 160 points
Very true gopinath. I'm sure the same can be said for atleast half the folks in IT industry. And thanks for your meaningful suggestion because its gonna make a difference when we need it the most :)
There's always confusion between following the passion and earning well. What say?
0 votes
One of the main points is to not resign in your present company before getting your acceptance from the interviewed company.

Next thing to keep in mind is the domain or skills that interviewed the company is hiring employees.

Know all or at least a few current projects undergoing by the company related to the domain you are interviewing for

Get information about the company work environment and projects, etc.
answered Jul 11, 2019 by anonymous
• 33,030 points

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