Switching from a product based company to service based company

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Is Switching from a product based company to service based company good?

I have an experience of 2 years at a product based company and I was working as a Software Developer, I have got the opportunity to work as a software developer at a service based company is it okay to switch at a better salary hike of 20%?
Jan 29, 2019 in Career Counselling by Abhinav Kumar

2 answers to this question.

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Switching from a prod company to service based company is not really a good idea. Then again if you are getting into good projects under the new company then it is worth changing the job. Majority of the people want to switch from Service based company to Product based company. It all depends on what you want and what job role and project you are getting after switching and most important of all what is the salary and the hike.
answered Jan 30, 2019 by rafina
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See switching company is upto you and according to your future prospects. In products companies you are made to work with a particular technology which is actually excellent because you can be master of what you are working into. But on the other hand there is a less opportunity to learn new technology or to work in different domains. 

If you want to work in different technology and want to explore your skills  then I would suggest that  you can think on changing your firm and move to something which can bring up changes into your work in order to increase your future prospects as technical professionals.

answered Apr 1, 2019 by sumit

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