How to Validate the real time application for which the input will be refreshed for every 4 s in the UI screen

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The data from the simulator will be stored in Aurora database and will be updated in every 4s in the database. We need to validate the data in the Dashboard UI screen. Requirement is to implement the dynamic script and also the screen should be refreshed for every 4s to compare & validate the fields. Is that possible? Please let me know how to achieve it. We are suggesting selenium Java + Test NG frame work.

Nov 20, 2020 in Selenium by savitha
• 170 points

2 answers to this question.

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Hey, @Savitha,

Yes, it should be possible. Use Thread.sleep(4000) to wait for 4 secs then do refresh driver.refresh() and wait for page load here you can use document.readstate to be true or jQuery.ready commands..after that get the modified values.

answered Nov 20, 2020 by Gitika
• 65,910 points
0 votes

Hi, @Savitha,

It can be achieved, just ask them to set a longer refresh time. So that can be compared including the page load time, will be taking time for rendering and comparing.

answered Nov 20, 2020 by anonymous
• 65,910 points

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