Trying to upload files using Selenium C

0 votes

I am trying to Upload files by clicking on "Upload completed form". When I use XPath to locate it and click on it, nothing works. Is there a way out?

Below is the HTML from inspecting Chrome.

<button ng-if="$root.AccessLevel.Standard" class="btn btn--small btn--icon ng-pristine ng-valid ng-touched" ng-model="vm.uploads[workCategory.Id].reference" ngf-max-size="'5MB'" ngf-model-invalid="vm.uploads[workCategory.Id].referenceInvalid" ngf-pattern="'.pdf,.doc,.docx,.bmp,.gif,.jpg,.jpeg,.tif,.wmf,.png'" ngf-select="vm.uploadFile($file, 'WorkCategoryReference', workCategory.Id, workCategory.References, workCategory.Id+'uploadRef')">
    <span promise="vm.promises[workCategory.Id+'uploadRef']">
        <span ng-hide="pending" class="">
            <i class="fa fa-lg fa-cloud-upload"></i>
        <span ng-show="pending" class="ng-hide">
            <i class="fa fa-lg fa-refresh fa-spin"></i>
    Upload completed form

Below is my NUnit class with the XPath passed in

wait.PathWaitAndClick(driver, "*[@id=\"accordiongroup - 299 - 4516 - panel\"]/div/div[2]/div[1]/table/tfoot/tr/td/button", 2000);

Also below I’m using WebExtension method.

public static void PathWaitAndClick(this WebDriverWait wait, IWebDriver driver, string path, int pause = 0)
    if (pause > 0)
    IWebElement viewAllWc = driver.FindElement(By.XPath(path));
    if (pause > 0)
Mar 27, 2018 in Selenium by nitinrawat895
• 11,380 points

3 answers to this question.

0 votes
Well, I think the problem is with your XPath. You can check if your XPath is valid using the command $x("your xpath") at your chrome console. You can also check if it is inside an Iframe by checking the page's html. If the debugger can't reach your breakpoint to debug your clicking action, there is something else that is wrong. Are there errors in browser console? All these points can impact and result on a error in that line.
answered Mar 27, 2018 by nsv999
• 5,500 points
0 votes
For uploading file using C# we use the windows form like this below

using System.Windows.Forms;  //this add as a reference in your upper side display and in the class write code show  below

//for adding reference right click on reference file and  add reference system.window forms

Class A


//write the code for press key that is upload button


answered Feb 1, 2019 by anonymous
0 votes

You can try using Javascript Executor to run your file upload script onto webdriver as File Upload is an OS dialog box. Try using following command:

String script = "document.getElementById('fileName').value='" + "C:\\\\temp\\\\file.txt" + "';";
answered Aug 23, 2019 by Abha
• 28,140 points

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