In order to merge two or more ...READ MORE
Suppose I have the below parquet file ...READ MORE
You can convert the pdf files with ...READ MORE
There are multiple ways to import unstructured ...READ MORE
Please try the below command: sqoop job -create ...READ MORE
There are different ways to do this. ...READ MORE
We have to use Sqoop-HCatalog Integration here. ...READ MORE
If you want to limit your hadoop ...READ MORE
I guess it should be at /hadoop/hadoop-common-project/hadoop-common/sr ...READ MORE
Yes, it is possible to do so. ...READ MORE
HDFS does not allocate capacity separately based ...READ MORE
You can use hdfs fsck / to ...READ MORE
To resolve this issue, follow the steps ...READ MORE
There are three complex types in hive, arrays: ...READ MORE
When there is space in data nodes ...READ MORE
You are trying to execute the sqoop ...READ MORE
With dev tools you can install directly ...READ MORE
You can manually create a file ...READ MORE
I shall redirect you to a link ...READ MORE
HDFS is a software framework designed for ...READ MORE
Hi, Spark uses GraphX for graph processing to ...READ MORE
If you don't want to turn off ...READ MORE
The elasticsearch Hadoop library is not a ...READ MORE
Hi, You can check this out: 1. Delete all ...READ MORE
Can someone mention what are the commonly ...READ MORE
Hey, Hive contains significant support for Apache Spark, ...READ MORE
If you are new to this installation ...READ MORE
I found some comments: from the Hadoop ...READ MORE
Download packages rhdfs, rhbase, rmr2 and plyrmr ...READ MORE
I had the same issue. It's solved ...READ MORE
Hi, You can use the command below to ...READ MORE
Hi, You can load data from flat files ...READ MORE
Hey, You can load data from flat files ...READ MORE
Hey, You can create a Hive table using ...READ MORE
Hey, You can do something like executes a Pig ...READ MORE
Hey, While creating a table the TBLPROPERTIES clause is used ...READ MORE
Hey, The command you can use to see ...READ MORE
Hi, There is a possibility that because of ...READ MORE
Hey, Although, we can create two types of ...READ MORE
Hadoop Docker Hub provides Hadoop Images, You ...READ MORE
Hi, Yes, you can run Hadoop with Docker ...READ MORE
The easiest way is using the following ...READ MORE
Hi, Since the table being dropped does not ...READ MORE
Hey, This particular class handles the output record ...READ MORE
Hey, This particular format will handle the input ...READ MORE
Hey, Basically, with the following query, we can ...READ MORE
Hey, It is possible by using the source ...READ MORE
Hey, Yes, you can rename a table in ...READ MORE
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