Hive ParseException line 5 20 missing EOF at near

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I am getting an error when I run the following code:

hive> create table bought(number INT,price FLOAT,comments STRING) > row format delimited > fields terminated by ',' > lines terminated by '\n' > stored as customers1.txt;
FAILED: ParseException line 5:20 missing EOF at '.' near 'customers1'
Jul 11, 2019 in Big Data Hadoop by Dinesh

1 answer to this question.

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In the stored as parameter, you have specified the name of your dataset. The dataset name does not have to be specified there. Only the file format should be specified such as textfile. So, your command should be as below,

create table bought(number INT, price FLOAT, comments STRINGS)
row format delimited
fields terminated by','
lines terminated by '\n'
stored as textfile; 
answered Jul 11, 2019 by Kim

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