Try using Spark API to append the ...READ MORE
First find the Hadoop directory present in ...READ MORE
Hi, Looking into your error I can say ...READ MORE
jps is actually not a command of ...READ MORE
There are three complex types in hive, arrays: ...READ MORE
This is because you dont have enough ...READ MORE
It is because the parent directories do ...READ MORE
First, download Hive from the following link: Next, ...READ MORE
File metadata information is stored by Namenode ...READ MORE
In simple explanation, When specify SPLIT_BY only ...READ MORE
In NFS, the data is stored only ...READ MORE
HDFS fsck is used to check the ...READ MORE
There are two ways to load json ...READ MORE
The Application Master is responsible for the ...READ MORE
The reason you are getting hadoop as ...READ MORE
FILELDS TERMINATED BY does not support multi-character delimiters. ...READ MORE
Well, what you can do is use ...READ MORE
I was able to fix the issue. ...READ MORE
You can use commands like this: hdfs dfs ...READ MORE
You can reference the below steps: Step 1: ...READ MORE
Hi@Bhavesh, You got connection refused. So, there may ...READ MORE
Yes, you can concatenate two strings using ...READ MORE
In Hadoop distributed system, Node is a single ...READ MORE
Change your following properties in hdfs-site.xml <property> ...READ MORE
Hi@akhtar, You can create an empty file in ...READ MORE
If you are simply looking to distribute ...READ MORE
You can use the hadoop fs -ls command to ...READ MORE
Hey, I got the same error and it ...READ MORE
Hadoop can run in 3 different modes. 1. ...READ MORE
External table is created for external use ...READ MORE
-Put and -copyFromLocal is almost same command ...READ MORE
Hi@akhtar, You can rename the table name in ...READ MORE
JDBC is not required here. Create a hive ...READ MORE
hadoop fs -text /hdfs-path-to-zipped-file.gz | hadoop fs ...READ MORE
This seems like a path issue. Add the ...READ MORE
Yes, both the files i.e. SUCCESS and ...READ MORE
Hi Suriyaprakash, I guess the path for hadoop ...READ MORE
MongoDB is a NoSQL database, whereas Hadoop is ...READ MORE
This error usually occurs when the HiveServer2 ...READ MORE
You can use the split function along ...READ MORE
No, there is no other option to ...READ MORE
Create a spark-env.cmd file looking like this @echo off set ...READ MORE
Hi@akhtar, You need to set JAVA_HOME and HADOOP_HOME ...READ MORE
Yes, you can do this. You can ...READ MORE
Initially in Hadoop 1.x, the NameNode was ...READ MORE
You can browse hadoop page from any ...READ MORE
Here also in case of Hadoop, it is ...READ MORE
Please refer to the below code: import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration import ...READ MORE
Hi, Hadoop and hive have their individual commands. ...READ MORE
hadoop fs -stat is as hadoop command used ...READ MORE
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