Hey, To start the CLI for zookeeper you can ...READ MORE
Hey, The default zookeeper installation (tar extract) comes ...READ MORE
By default, Hue assigns the manually created ...READ MORE
Hue allows you to point to the ...READ MORE
The default configuration suggested in the official ...READ MORE
The Hbase thrift servers for clusters are ...READ MORE
Open the Hue configuration file and search for the [hbase] section ...READ MORE
To set the authentication for Solr clients ...READ MORE
CDH 5.4 onwards uses the new editor ...READ MORE
Hi. CDH 5.4 and later versions use ...READ MORE
Hey there! Because you are trying to ...READ MORE
Hi. You can set a local path ...READ MORE
Yes, this is possible. By default, any ...READ MORE
I am not exactly sure what you ...READ MORE
Hi. Any property of Pig can be ...READ MORE
Hi. To add mysql database in the config, open ...READ MORE
To set the query configurations, you will ...READ MORE
Hi @Bhavish. It is possible to get cluster ...READ MORE
Hey, When you want to have high availability ...READ MORE
In the Hue configuration file, search for ...READ MORE
To set the Impala server details, you ...READ MORE
Follow these steps from the root of your ...READ MORE
In order to get access to the File ...READ MORE
You have to set the secret key ...READ MORE
I understood your problem, I hope you can ...READ MORE
Hey, ZooKeeper Command Line Interface (CLI) is used ...READ MORE
Search for the Hue configuration file on ...READ MORE
There are two ways to do this: Visit http://myserver:port and ...READ MORE
You can confirm it like this: $ tail ...READ MORE
Hey, drop:- This command is used to drop ...READ MORE
When the JobTracker and the Hue Server ...READ MORE
On your node, go to the hadoop ...READ MORE
In the datanodes, open the hdfs-site.xml file and add ...READ MORE
Hey, disable:- This command will start disabling the ...READ MORE
Please use the command as shown below ...READ MORE
The namenode is in safemode which is ...READ MORE
When you try to read a parquet ...READ MORE
Hey, An aggregate function that returns the number ...READ MORE
Hey, Given below is the syntax to change ...READ MORE
You are using the below command to ...READ MORE
There no way to take any precautions ...READ MORE
Hi. I think the reason for this ...READ MORE
You will have to create a Mapper ...READ MORE
Please find the code below for alphabet ...READ MORE
By convention, the pig script that you ...READ MORE
Please use the register command inside the ...READ MORE
Please use the sqoop list database syntax ...READ MORE
It can be a hdfs path. The ...READ MORE
You can check this path in Hue ...READ MORE
Please use the following command. sqoop list-databases --connect ...READ MORE
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