Have to save the uploaded file on the Elastic Beanstalk

+1 vote
I used an elastic-beanstalk service on AWS by using Node.js. Also, I have used a multer for file upload and uploaded file is saved on a webserver.

But when I publish a new version of a project file, the files that saved on my web server are gone.

I want to maintain that file on the webserver, just want to make it overwrite not rewrite.

Can anyone help me in this case?
Jul 4, 2018 in AWS by Luke cage
• 360 points
from what I read you must attach it to the environment, you must deploy the code either using eb deploy or Upload and deploy from the Application. hope this helps
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1 answer to this question.

0 votes
While working with Elastic Beanstalk (or any auto-scaling environment), ideally you would not want to store anything on the server itself. If a user is uploading a file, save it somewhere off the server.

In AWS, this typically means storing it in S3 - this means that the file doesn't get lost when the project is updated or the server gets terminated.
answered Jul 4, 2018 by Flying geek
• 3,280 points
if there are not getting lost then why we are not getting those files from those paths?
Hey @Manoj, it gets saved in your S3 bucket if I'm not wrong. Check inside your bucket. Older versions are not overwritten.

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