I m a recent graduate and I ve worked on many projects throughout my undergrad career do those years of experience count towards the prerequisites for obtaining my PMP

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I have worked on projects for roughly 3 years as an undergraduate student playing a different role in each. Do those years of experience count towards the prerequisites for obtaining my PMP?
Aug 12, 2020 in PMP by anonymous
• 19,610 points

1 answer to this question.

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It usually depends on the specifics of your roles.

If you previously led teams under minimal supervision to plan and execute projects that include the scope, cost, and budget, then probably yes. Some institutions have senior projects which might fit this, but it is frequently beyond undergraduate programs.

If you were taking part but not leading, then probably not although you might count it if they gave you responsibility for a part of the overall plan (a project within a larger project), even if not the overall PM yourself.
answered Aug 12, 2020 by Keith

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