Selenium how to Enter data in to tabular format frame - in horizontal way in UI [closed]

0 votes

My List<Map<String,String>> Has below Data :

[{Test_Case_id=tc1, Delimiter=|,SourceFile=/tmp/tes.dat,targetFile=/tmp/tgt.file},
{Test_Case_id=tc2, Delimiter=;,SourceFile=/tmp/tes1.dat,targetFile=/tmp/tgt1.file},
{Test_Case_id=tc3, Delimiter=|,SourceFile=/tmp/tes2.dat,targetFile=/tmp/tgt2.file}]

In UI page, I have to enter these values in the table. the table looks like below

Test_Case_id     Delimiter      SourceFile      TargetFile
<Input Box>      <Input Box>  <Input Box>   <Input Box>
<Input Box>      <Input Box>  <Input Box>   <Input Box>
<Input Box>      <Input Box>  <Input Box>   <Input Box>

With the code below, it is writing data in the horizontal format

Test_Case_id     Delimiter      SourceFile      TargetFile
tc1                      tc2                 tc3                <Input Box>
<Input Box>      <Input Box>  <Input Box>   <Input Box>
<Input Box>      <Input Box>  <Input Box>   <Input Box>

int counter =1;
for (WebElement inputhd: inputHeaders)
  for (Map<String,String> fetchrow : fetchfilteredrows) // in fetchfilterdrows the above List<Map<String,String>> data is tored.
for (Map.Entry<String,String> entry : fetchrow.entrySet())
//////for (i=0; i<fetchfilteredrows.size(); i++)
WebElement inputText = inputhd.findElement(By.xpath(".following::input["+counter+"]"));
WebElement.EnterText(inputText, entry.getValue().trim());
counter =counter+1;

How can write the data to UI horizontally the first row, then enter the second row and enter the third row test case details.
Tried adding the for loop, which i have given in "//////" comments.. does not wrk out.

Selenium script has to enter the data like this:
Test_Case_id     Delimiter      SourceFile      TargetFile
tc1                      |                 /tmp/tes.dat     /tmp/tgt.file
tc2                      ;                /tmp/tes1.dat  /tmp/tgt1.file
tc3                    |                 /tmp/tes2.dat    /tmp/tgt2.dat

Element Structure is like Below.

<div class ="table-class">
<table class ="table-response">
<th class = "ng-binding" >Test_Case_id</th>
<th class="ng-binding"> Delimiter</th>
<th class="ng-binding"> SourceFile</th>
<th class="ng-binding"> TargetFile</th>


////first row in table
<tr class ="ng-scope">
   <td class="ng-input">
   <input class="ng-scope-input" id=Test_Case_id">
<td class ="ng-input">
<input class="ng-scope-input" id="Delimiter">
<td class ="ng-input">
<input class="ng-scope-input" id="sourceFile">
<td class ="ng-input">
<input class="ng-scope-input" id="TargetFile">

////second row in table
<tr class ="ng-scope">
   <td class="ng-input">
   <input class="ng-scope-input" id=Test_Case_id">
<td class ="ng-input">
<input class="ng-scope-input" id="Delimiter">
<td class ="ng-input">
<input class="ng-scope-input" id="sourceFile">
<td class ="ng-input">
<input class="ng-scope-input" id="TargetFile">

////third row in table
<tr class ="ng-scope">
   <td class="ng-input">
   <input class="ng-scope-input" id=Test_Case_id">
<td class ="ng-input">
<input class="ng-scope-input" id="Delimiter">
<td class ="ng-input">
<input class="ng-scope-input" id="sourceFile">
<td class ="ng-input">
<input class="ng-scope-input" id="TargetFile">
closed with the note: solved by self.
Apr 11, 2020 in Selenium by Jyra
• 580 points

closed Apr 13, 2020 by Jyra 1,210 views
Any sugusstions plz
Hey @Jyra, could you please post the solution too?

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