What should be the new technology to start if starting the career all over again

+1 vote
I am 27 already done btech ECE(2014) and mba marketing(2018), worked in telecom before mba and then as a US IT recruiter for 8 months until October 2019. I couldn’t find my way in a job. Should I go after Software/It industry. I can start as a trainee but can I find the long term career path there with job satisfaction. If yes, what should be the technology  I can go for and where is the rapid growth as I already would be lagging. I’m confused. I really need to do something in my career but still I’m struggling to choose where to go. Please suggest, the technology where I could get enough opportunity at the entry  level and that can lead my career as well  towards the betterment.
Dec 3, 2019 in Career Counselling by anonymous
• 130 points

1 answer to this question.

+2 votes
It's good that you are thinking in the direction of growth where many people waste many years just thinking if this is the right job for them.
Apart from IT / software, there are jobs that you can do well. From the time you have spent, it seems like its not your job of preference
To start something new, you need to invest dedication, time and money into it and also be patient as the results will not be immediate

Data Scientist /Machine learning / AI / Developer/ ==> if you like Programming, Mathematics and solving very complex issues thrills you
DevOps/Cloud Computing/Project manager/Scrum master ==> If you like automation, learning new tools, enjoy the chaos of IT :)
Cyber security ===> If breaking/protecting /re-engineering any software / technology platform excites you
Web-developer/graphic designer ===> If you are one of those who can drown in a piece of art for a very long time and you want to create a digital form of it
Architect/ Sales ===> if you have the knowledge (a little hands-on would help) of latest technology and trends and know just where each piece fits in for your

These were some of the things that I could remember immediately. Sky is the limit, start something and work your way through it. Nobody is the master of anything the first day ... like i said ... it takes time, effort, dedication and a little money (coz digital stuff is not free) to accomplish what you want in IT

PS: if this post helped you, please up-vote this post
answered Dec 4, 2019 by Raveendiran
• 980 points

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