Azure Notification Hub no longer accepting GCM API Key

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Recently, every time I am trying to add or modify the GCM API Key in an Azure Notification Hub, I am getting the following error:

SubCode=40000. Failed to validate credentials with GCM. The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized...

I've also read articles stating that GCM is moving to FCM (Firebase Cloud Messaging). Could this be the cause of my issue? Is Google beginning to no longer support GCM?

Apr 4, 2019 in Azure by sabby
• 4,390 points

1 answer to this question.

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Please read this: Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) is the new version of GCM. So, the important info is that - yes, we should prefer Firebase Console instead of Google Cloud Console. This is also a useful article: Enabling Google Cloud Messaging (Firebase).

So, you need to enable Google Cloud Messaging in Firebase Console for your added Android App.

Let me write it down for you stepwise:

1. Open your Firebase Console

2. Add your Android app in Firebase Console

3. Go to Settings

4. Click on CLOUD MESSAGING tab

5. Take Legacy Server key and use it in Azure Push Notification Service for Google(GCM) settings

6. Save it

This article will help you in creating a Notification Hub Service in Azure and connecting your Android or IOS App to Firebase Console etc.

Hope this helps :)

To know more about Azure, join Azure course today.

Thank you!!

answered Apr 4, 2019 by Prerna
• 1,960 points

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