What is the future of a full stack developer

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What is the future of a full stack developer?
Dec 1, 2018 in Career Counselling by Ali
• 11,360 points

4 answers to this question.

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Full-stack developers are one of the highest-paid and most sought after professionals in the US.

All in all, the demand for full-stack developers is growing and I don’t a see reason —that this demand will decrease. Because, companies want leaner teams, that helps them to save time develop products fast. Plus, hiring one developer instead of two, saves them money.

answered Dec 1, 2018 by Kishore
0 votes
As long as there are Web applications, there's scope for full-stack developers. And nowadays, everything is becoming online so the scope for full-stack developers is more in the future. And many startups deploy their business online so opportunities are also more. The future of full-stack developer is good. And a full-stack developer with good skills can expect above average salary.
answered Mar 15, 2019 by Kunal
0 votes

The future of Full stack developer is very bright as the demand for Full stack developer is touching the sky. Every Company needs a full stack developer as it is responsible for front end and back end web development which is necessary for each Company . As a full stack developer we get the opportunity to learn many languages and Database like PHP, HTML, CSS,JAVA SCRIPT. So it is very much worth  to become a full stack developer by seeing the future of it.

answered Mar 28, 2019 by navdeep
• 240 points
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Full Stack Development is the best career prospect today with unlimited growth and scope. The national Indian median salary was around 76K $ pa according to Glass door Job Search | Find the job that fits your life. All you need to do is get cracking on your skill set by doing a Full Stack Development Course, earn your certification and through your job experience and continued experiential learning keep pace with newer iterations in technology.

answered Jun 26, 2019 by Gitika
• 65,890 points

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