The filtering criteria applied to a column are not documented but it's very similar to Excel Javascript API.
- filterOn property
Determines whether the values should stay visible.
Possible values are: BottomItems, BottomPercent, CellColor, Dynamic, FontColor, Values, TopItems, TopPercent, Icon, Custom
Example of the request body for Values. Lets say you have the following table and you want to select values 1,3 and 5 from Column1

POST /v1.0/me/drive/items/{item_id}/workbook/tables/{table_name}/columns/1/filter
"criteria": {
"color": null,
"criterion1": null,
"criterion2": null,
"filterOn": "Values",
"dynamicCriteria": "Unknown",
"icon": null,
"operator": "And",
"values": [
Display values greater than 2
"criteria": {
"color": null,
"criterion1": ">2",
"criterion2": null,
"filterOn": "Custom",
"dynamicCriteria": "Unknown",
"icon": null,
"operator": "Or",
"values": null
- dynamicCriteria property
Used with Dynamic filtering.
Possible values are: Unknown, AboveAverage, AllDatesInPeriodApril, AllDatesInPeriodAugust, AllDatesInPeriodDecember, AllDatesInPeriodFebruray, AllDatesInPeriodJanuary, AllDatesInPeriodJuly, AllDatesInPeriodJune, AllDatesInPeriodMarch, AllDatesInPeriodMay, AllDatesInPeriodNovember, AllDatesInPeriodOctober, AllDatesInPeriodQuarter1, AllDatesInPeriodQuarter2, AllDatesInPeriodQuarter3, AllDatesInPeriodQuarter4, AllDatesInPeriodSeptember, BelowAverage, LastMonth, LastQuarter, LastWeek, LastYear, NextMonth, NextQuarter, NextWeek, NextYear, ThisMonth, ThisQuarter, ThisWeek, ThisYear, Today, Tomorrow, YearToDate, Yesterday
Example how to filter values above the average. Set filterOn to Dynamic and dynamicCriteria to AboveAverage.
"criteria": {
"color": null,
"criterion1": null,
"criterion2": null,
"filterOn": "Dynamic",
"dynamicCriteria": "AboveAverage",
"icon": null,
"operator": "And",
"values": null
Excel filterCriteria