How to add Conditional Formatting in Excel for a Range of Values

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My Excel spreadsheet is formatted to look like a report card. Percentages are used to indicate the values. I want to use three different colours to highlight all numbers between 0 and 49, 50 and 99, and 100. When I make a new rule, it's difficult for me to apply these three separate conditions in the range. If that makes sense, it continues presuming that I want to evaluate the numbers relative to one another rather than just the value in the cell. We appreciate any assistance!

Current Results

Oct 24, 2022 in Others by Kithuzzz
• 38,020 points

1 answer to this question.

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Three distinct rules are required, one for each circumstance. Choose the range, then use a formula to generate new rules. The formulas I used in this example are visible. Keep in mind that the formula must utilize the first cell in the selection as a reference and should not contain any $ signs, so use C2 rather than $c$2. C2 is the initial cell in the selection in my example, and my rules are:


Take a look at the screenshot to see how the rules must be set up such that cells with less than 50% of the yellow colour are not affected. For added assurance that no additional rules are enforced, you might optionally check the "Stop if true" box.

enter image description here

answered Oct 24, 2022 by narikkadan
• 63,720 points

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