Its not possible. What you could do is add a formula like this or you could use conditional formatting along with multiple formats like this.
You can include a second IF within ...READ MORE
Three distinct rules are required, one for ...READ MORE
You missed Math.log() for ln() in Excel. ...READ MORE
Use: int countRows = xlWorkSheetData.UsedRange.Rows.Count; int countColumns = xlWorkSheetData.UsedRange.Columns.Count; object[,] ...READ MORE
The google sheets don't have an exact ...READ MORE
Looks like you could use: The formula in D2: =SUBSTITUTE(F ...READ MORE
The row number used in the formula ...READ MORE
What about: #.##0,00 [$₺-tr-TR] Where #.##0,00 € would do for ...READ MORE
Excel formatting, in my opinion, can only ...READ MORE
It essentially ignores column C's missing entry ...READ MORE
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