How to Print Excel Sheet on Custom Page Size like Din A1

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I made a large document in Excel 2016 that I want to "print" on Din A1 paper. I want to send it to the printing provider after first saving it as a pdf.

I have set the sheet to fit on one page in the "Page Setup" (see Screenshot).

Page SetupI then selected "Manage Custom Sizes..." from the "Paper Size:" menu since I want to print it on A2 or A1. - Set the custom size for Din A2 and Din A1 using the drop-down menu:

Custom Page Size

Though the result looks like this:

Print Result

As you can see, the sheet should cover the whole page, but it doesn't with this particular custom size.

Neither does it fit any other custom size, which is above 297mm x 420mm, which is the supported DinA3 size.

When I use a custom size of 297mm x 420mm the sheet fits the page well, but even if the custom size is just 1mm off the results breaks.

See the following example with 297mm x 421mm:

enter image description here

How do I print out this Excel Sheet on ONE custom page with custom size? (Like Din A1 with 594mm x 841mm)

Oct 10, 2022 in Others by Kithuzzz
• 38,010 points

1 answer to this question.

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Try turning the pdf file into an image, such a png file, and then using a word processor to expand the picture as needed without sacrificing image quality.
answered Oct 11, 2022 by narikkadan
• 63,720 points

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