Jenkins task for remote hosts

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I am working on the deployment scenario in which I need to create and run jenkins task on list of hosts, i.e. create something like parametrized task (where ip address is a parameter) or a task on Multijob Plugin with HOST axis, but run by only 2 ones in parallel over multiple hosts. 

One of the option could be to run ansible with the list of hosts, but i'd like to see a status per each host separately, and relaunch a jenkins job if needed.

The main option is to use Job DSL Plugin or Pipeline Plugin, but here i need help to understand what classes/methods of dsl groovy code should be used to achieve this. 
Can anyone help with it?

Jul 24, 2018 in Jenkins by Damon Salvatore
• 5,980 points

1 answer to this question.

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Here is a concept which you can follow. Assume that the hosts have been configured as Jenkins slaves already. Assume that hosts are provided in pipeline job parameter HOSTS as whitespace separated list.Below is an example which you can take reference from:

def hosts_pairs = HOSTS.split().collate(2)

for (pair in host_pairs) {
  def branches = [:]
  for (h in pair) {
    def host = h  // fresh variable per iteration; it will be mutated
    branches[host] = {
      stage(host) {
        node(host) {
          // do the actual job here, e.g. 
          // execute a shell script
          sh "echo hello world"
  parallel branches

I hope the above information would resolve your query.

answered Jul 24, 2018 by Atul
• 10,240 points

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