Are you willing to relocate or travel

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I am a fresher , a native resident of Bangalore and aspire to make my career in IT.

I attended a interview for the post of a web developer with WIPRO technologies. The Interviewer fired this question at me " Are you willing to relocate to Greater Noida? Our team there needs developers and there's a upcoming project on web development coming up from "Philips" client.

How should i tackle such situations? I am afraid of the repercussions if i tell i can't relocate. How do i politely refuse it?
May 3, 2019 in Career Counselling by rashmi
Make your point, but avoid being portrayed as not flexible enough...Mention your genuine concerns.

2 answers to this question.

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It is good, to be honest, you need to see where to show your honesty. You should be smart enough to answer this question. Freshers, do not say yes at once. This will show only desperation to be a part of the company. Answer carefully like this " I would definitely consider it. If the opportunity given to me is appropriate and rewarding, I don't think I will have any issues with the relocation or travelling involved."

You need to know the purpose of the question.

answered May 3, 2019 by Gitika
• 65,910 points
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You could answer it this way though:

"I like the area where I currently live, I am a bit hesitant in considering other parts of the country. I am early enough in my career to be mobile and flexible in what I will consider in terms of my work location. The work itself is what is most important for me."
answered Sep 11, 2019 by anonymous

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