What are different jobs in Blockchain

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When it comes to jobs in Blockchain, all i hear is Developer and Quality Engineer. Are there any other jobs or is this it?
Nov 12, 2018 in Career Counselling by Meci Matt
• 9,460 points

4 answers to this question.

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Hi. There are different jobs in Blockchain.

  • Entry level and internship positions.
  • Blockchain project managers.
  • Blockchain developers.
  • Blockchain quality engineer.
  • Blockchain legal consultant or attorney.
  • Blockchain web designer.
  • Blockchain engineer.
To learn more, join Blockchain Technology Courses today.
answered Nov 12, 2018 by Smita
0 votes
Yes, there are more job roles in Blockchain than just Blockchain Developer and Quality Engineer. Blockchain applications require different levels of work. A Blockchain Web Developer will create web interfaces for Blockchain. A Blockchain Engineer will design the Blockchain Application and build it. Similarly, there are different roles in the Blockchain Domain.
answered Mar 4, 2019 by Ritu
0 votes
To manage the team of people building the Blockchain Applications, there are Blockchain Project managers. They are responsible for dividing the tasks, making sure the tasks are being on time, solve issues if any, research on how the application can be made better, etc.
answered Mar 4, 2019 by Yati
0 votes
Blockchain is used for cryptocurrencies as well as to store organizational data. When it comes to cryptocurrencies, there are some rules and regulations to be met to make the Blockchain Application fall under the Legal side. This is where Blockchain Consultants or Attorneys come into the picture. They make sure that all the rules and regulations set by the authorities are met.
answered Mar 4, 2019 by Loki

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