Which is better jenkins of TFS 2015 for CI CD

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From the people who've worked on it, say that both give you basically the same features for Continuous Integration. I want to know what are the things that are in Jenkins and not in TFS and the other way around. From what I know release management functionality has been integrated in TFS 2015, also including the tools for the entire DevOps(ALM) Pipeline.

Aug 21, 2018 in Jenkins by Damon Salvatore
• 5,980 points

1 answer to this question.

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Visual Studio and TFS have been using Release Management as a service since the 2nd update. It helps automate testing and deployment of your application in different environments. It's entirely up to you to fully or partially automate the delivery for on demand deployments. It is one of the fundamental part of DevOps which will helps the team to continuously deliver software at a fast and constant rate. For more info check out Release Management.

In case you've been working with Jenkins and you've build a CI pipeline, TFS has options, it has API's through which you can interact with release services from jenkins in your case. Check: Continuous deployment/delivery with Jenkins and VS Team Services

answered Aug 21, 2018 by ajs3033
• 7,300 points

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