hadoop fs -cat /example2/doc1 | wc -l READ MORE
The main difference between Oozie and Nifi ...READ MORE
The hadoop command is not present in ...READ MORE
By Default its TextFileFormat for hive unless you use serdes to ...READ MORE
You can use loop to copy the ...READ MORE
Well, the reason you are getting such ...READ MORE
Yes, to a certain extent we can ...READ MORE
You can use a combination of cat and put command. Something ...READ MORE
Let's imagine your cluster as a tree ...READ MORE
You can use the --delete-target-dir : $ sqoop import ...READ MORE
hadoop dfsadmin -safemode leave READ MORE
Hive does not store data. Hive is ...READ MORE
That was not important. If you can ...READ MORE
Hey, After connecting the server and performing all ...READ MORE
Try this: hadoop fs -cat hdfs:///user/hadoop/values.txt READ MORE
I think you are using new version ...READ MORE
Hey, The error you got because you might ...READ MORE
Namenodes and Datanodes are a part of ...READ MORE
Here, I guess the issue is with ...READ MORE
First of all, Map Reduce algorithm is not programmed ...READ MORE
Try this: { Configuration config ...READ MORE
On which version of hadoop do you ...READ MORE
If you are using hadoop 2.7 or ...READ MORE
I add mysql driver for sqoop and it ...READ MORE
Hey, The key difference between both the components ...READ MORE
Velocity in big data refers to the ...READ MORE
You can set the port in the hive-site.xml file. ...READ MORE
You can see the free available space ...READ MORE
MapReduce is a programming model to perform ...READ MORE
Hi@akhtar, This error shows, Hbase is not able ...READ MORE
Below is the difference given between Standalone, ...READ MORE
Hi, @premkumar, ideally, you should be using hdfs dfs ...READ MORE
The issue you're facing arises because the ...READ MORE
create table hive_dml (emp_id int, first_name string, last_name ...READ MORE
Let me explain you the whole scenario. ...READ MORE
You can choose your mapper output key ...READ MORE
Seems like you've missed the source and ...READ MORE
Please find the code below for alphabet ...READ MORE
Hi@akhtar, According to your error, it shows you ...READ MORE
While Apache Hive and Spark SQL perform ...READ MORE
Yes, you can change the replication factor ...READ MORE
You have to add HADOOP_CLASSPATH environment parameter: expor ...READ MORE
According to me the error is because ...READ MORE
Refer to the below when you are ...READ MORE
select * from tablename where DOJ> '2018-01-01' ...READ MORE
The generic command i.e used to import ...READ MORE
As you said, Hue is a web ...READ MORE
Run the command as sudo or add the ...READ MORE
Failure of the resource manager is serious ...READ MORE
Hey, The example uses HBase Shell to keep ...READ MORE
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