Below is the main error you are ...READ MORE
Hive is a data warehouse infrastructure tool ...READ MORE
This procedure worked for me. ...READ MORE
To unzip a gzipped (or bzipped) file, ...READ MORE
Let me explain you the whole scenario. NameNode ...READ MORE
I see that you are facing multiple ...READ MORE
First, check the permissions of HDFS Directory ...READ MORE
We use MultipleInputs class which supports MapReduce ...READ MORE
I had the same issue. It's solved ...READ MORE
From your current directory run pig -x local Then ...READ MORE
Hey, try this code import; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import ...READ MORE
Follow the below steps to load the ...READ MORE
Hi@akhtar, I think your output is in different ...READ MORE
Make sure that you have removed the ...READ MORE
First create a table, which should have ...READ MORE
Hey, The command you can use to see ...READ MORE
NameNode records the metadata of all the ...READ MORE
Partitions are created depending on the end ...READ MORE
Vinyl-like crackle sounds. And what is my ...READ MORE
You have to use the right dependency <dependency> ...READ MORE
Hadoop is an open-source software framework for ...READ MORE
Hi@Manl, To import jar file in your Eclipse ...READ MORE
Yes. you can use the hadoop fsck command to do ...READ MORE
Hey there! The definition of these two properties ...READ MORE
UnknownHostException is thrown when hadoop tries to resolve ...READ MORE
Yes, you can use hdfs dfs command ...READ MORE
It seems that your hive server is ...READ MORE
Hey, The default zookeeper installation (tar extract) comes ...READ MORE
du command is used for to see ...READ MORE
An important component of the Hadoop Ecosystem ...READ MORE
You can use a case class and ...READ MORE
Just use the FileSystem's copyFromLocalFile method. If the source Path ...READ MORE
You can use hdfs fsck / to ...READ MORE
Try this: FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(getConf()); fs.delete(new ...READ MORE
Hi@akhtar, You can list down all the partitions ...READ MORE
Hey, The error you are getting because the ...READ MORE
First of all there is no command ...READ MORE
Job tracker's function is resource management, tracking ...READ MORE
Hi @lucky! The latest version of Sqoop available ...READ MORE
The SerDe interface allows you to instruct ...READ MORE
HDFS is more efficient for a large ...READ MORE
Hey, SSH setup is required to do different ...READ MORE
Please try the below code and it ...READ MORE
It depends on the structure of your ...READ MORE
Yarn has a command by default to clear ...READ MORE
Seems like PATH problem in file. Try ...READ MORE
Before installing Sqoop, make sure Hadoop is ...READ MORE
Alright, I think you are basically looking ...READ MORE
Hey, Grunt shell is a shell command.The Grunts ...READ MORE
Hi@akhtar, This error occurs if the hbase server ...READ MORE
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