tsendmail html background image as a template

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i want to send email but with a background image like a template,i already succeeded to send email having some html atributes like color and font-family also but my <div style="background-image:url("path.png")" did not work ,also i tried background-color for DIV and also failed , so any idea on how to do it , i jsut want to send better designed email .

Dec 11, 2020 in Talend by aminegac
• 570 points
Hey, @Aminegac,

Please send you the code and workaround.

@Gitika thank you .

in my case as i mentionned everything goes well except for the baackground-image: url("/path/myfile.png")  !!

  here is a part of my email body " <div style=\"color:#003188;font-family:Trebuchet MS;background-image: url(\"C:\\Talend\\TOS_DI-Win32-20200219_1130-V7.3.1\\yes.png\") \"> 
The Job "+jobName +" finished sucessfully <img   src=\"C:\\Talend\\TOS_DI-Win32-20200219_1130-V7.3.1\\yes.png\"  >" 

everything goes right even the color of my speech and the image tag in the end of my email body ; 

Hey, @Aminegac,

First of all, wave bye-bye to those quotes:

div style=background-image:url(path.png);
hi @Nikita thank you , i tried it but it did not work .

Hey, @Aminegac,

Is it giving the error same while executing the above given?

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